Welcome to Kingdom Winds

—the premier destination and marketplace for God-inspired works!

TORCHBEARERS: The Need to Test Prophetic Words

TORCHBEARERS: The Need to Test Prophetic Words

True prophetic words from the Holy Spirit can bring great encouragement, strengthening, and direction to God's people. But false words can do damage to the body of Christ.
Your Axe Head Will Rise and Be Restored-Miracles are Coming Your Way

Your Axe Head Will Rise and Be Restored-Miracles are Coming Your Way

Declare that you will rise and once again be used to expand His Kingdom.
EYES ON JESUS: 11 Reasons Church Attendance is Declining (Even for Committed Christians)

EYES ON JESUS: 11 Reasons Church Attendance is Declining (Even for Committed Christians)

Drew and Tim emphasize the need for community, structure, and accountability within the church body. The conversation highlights the dangers of self-directed spirituality and the trend of...
Companionship With God

Companionship With God

The foundation of all intercession is knowing the heart and mind of God.
FLOURISH-MEANT: Freedom from Trauma - with J. Otis Ledbetter

FLOURISH-MEANT: Freedom from Trauma – with J. Otis Ledbetter

How do we find freedom from trauma in our lives? Today's guest, J. Otis Ledbetter, offers insights on the keys to overcoming trauma.
EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to Know if You are a People Pleaser in Your Marriage

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to Know if You are a People Pleaser in Your Marriage

Do you ever find yourself pursuing the happiness of your spouse at the expense of your own well-being or your own desires? Join us and find out what the roots of that people-pleasing may be and what...
How Marriage Is a Calling

How Marriage Is a Calling

God uses us as His coworkers to love our neighbors through our marriages.
BUILDING STRONG HOMES PODCAST: Tori Hope Petersen Edited Interview

BUILDING STRONG HOMES PODCAST: Tori Hope Petersen Edited Interview

Join us for a new episode.
He is Faithful

He is Faithful

Keep moving.
You Always Have a Choice

You Always Have a Choice

What I need to remember when I feel up against the wall, is that controlling the wall is NOT my only option.
6 Parenting Books Worth Your Time in 2025

6 Parenting Books Worth Your Time in 2025

Each one will help you become a more godly parent your kids deserve.  
KINGDOM ASSURANCE: Proverbs 25: 1-28

KINGDOM ASSURANCE: Proverbs 25: 1-28

The way of the Lord is what is asked of us as He modeled it for us.  
PURSUING REDEMPTION PODCAST: Being Completely Healed from Fibromyalgia and Hepatitis C - with Ronnie and Jeanie Cummings

PURSUING REDEMPTION PODCAST: Being Completely Healed from Fibromyalgia and Hepatitis C – with Ronnie and Jeanie Cummings

Ronnie and Jeannie Cummings have a true redemption story.
LIFEPOINT CHURCH: Miracles to Mission | Disciples Fast Pray and Trust | Joe Wegert

LIFEPOINT CHURCH: Miracles to Mission | Disciples Fast Pray and Trust | Joe Wegert

Watch the LifePoint Church Sunday message. Pastor Joe Wegert discusses the transition from witnessing God's power and miracles to actively trusting and participating in His mission
The Promise is Speaking; It is Yours for the Keeping - Move Forward!

The Promise is Speaking; It is Yours for the Keeping – Move Forward!

Make faith paths for your feet - acknowledge God is in your midst and He will make your path straight.
RECHURCHED: Demonic Projection - The Democratic Playbook | Discerning the Devil

RECHURCHED: Demonic Projection – The Democratic Playbook | Discerning the Devil’s Playbook E12

Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the...
God Doesn

God Doesn’t Want a Partnership He Wants a Merger

If you're a Christian and you're feeling distant from the Lord, know that He has Merged Himself and His Spirit with you!
TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Wisdom Keepers (with Chris and Jen Coursey) Part 2- When Elders Lead from Fear

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Wisdom Keepers (with Chris and Jen Coursey) Part 2- When Elders Lead from Fear

In this episode, they discuss what it looks like when Elders are leading from fear. They will also talk about Elders who are motivated by love can create communities where Love, joy, and trust are...
ONE VOICE PODCAST: What does it Mean to Walk with God?

ONE VOICE PODCAST: What does it Mean to Walk with God?

Janet explains what it is like to Walk with God as Enoch did!! There is an invitation from the Holy Spirit today…..WILL YOU WALK WITH HIM?
The Cocoon

The Cocoon

We don’t lose heart or stay discouraged about the difficulties we face, for we know that God is bringing something good out of it.
LOVE.HONOR.OBEY: Little Boats You are Bringing into Your Storms

LOVE.HONOR.OBEY: Little Boats You are Bringing into Your Storms

Are you internal storms creating a frenzy that want to take out those around you? Are the little boats in your life being casualties in your storm? Open up to Mark 4:36-40 with me today and let’s...
Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

New manna is always available.
Life Lessons from 1 Kings 13 – Lesson 7

Life Lessons from 1 Kings 13 – Lesson 7

The pressure to give in and fit in grows with today’s “acceptance and tolerance” mindset.
Journey With the King

Journey With the King

Help me to never lose sight of my “first love,” You!
The Righteous Walk

The Righteous Walk

He who delights in the Law of the LORD continually is prepared to stand for God in the world.
CHRISTIAN RENEWAL CHURCH: One in Christ || Ephesians 2:17-22

CHRISTIAN RENEWAL CHURCH: One in Christ || Ephesians 2:17-22

Christian Renewal Church's vision is to see the Holy Spirit’s power and presence
 bring transformation to every generation. Join Pastor Kaleb Allen and others each week for an enlightening and...
LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Fear Is A Liar... Unless...

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Fear Is A Liar… Unless…

Today’s episode deals with the issue of Fear in relation to God. Is all fear bad?
You are Transitioning From Lo-Debar to the King

You are Transitioning From Lo-Debar to the King’s Table

I Am telling you that your greatest victory is just on the other side of Lo-Debar!
DARE 2 HEAR: Unlocking God’s Voice

DARE 2 HEAR: Unlocking God’s Voice

This week you will hear me being interviewed by Heather O’Brien for her podcast called, “The Heal with God Podcast.”
The Termites of Greed and Corruption

The Termites of Greed and Corruption

Truth and exposure are the tools the Lord uses to initiate a reformation.
SIGNIFICANT WOMEN: Journeying Through Depression With Hope - with Dr. Michelle Bengtson

SIGNIFICANT WOMEN: Journeying Through Depression With Hope – with Dr. Michelle Bengtson

Dr. Michelle speaks from both personal and professional experience about the challenges of depression as well as some strategies for journeying through it. Listen in for another encouraging episode!
AUTHENTIC TRUTHS IN ADDICTION: A Short Note on Faith and Family Addiction

AUTHENTIC TRUTHS IN ADDICTION: A Short Note on Faith and Family Addiction

If you are lost watching your loved one battling substance use, please take a great minute to remember 1) You’re not alone. 2) God has your back far better than anyone else 3) Peace is possible...
What is Sacred Work?

What is Sacred Work?

All work, done in faith, in the presence of God, and performed as unto the Lord can be considered sacred.
THE JAIME LUCE PODCAST: Are You a Hearer or a Doer of God

THE JAIME LUCE PODCAST: Are You a Hearer or a Doer of God’s Word?

What if living a truly blameless life could transform your actions, relationships, and even your purpose?


God's love surrounds you.
Book Review: Counterfeit Hope by Crystal Caudill

Book Review: Counterfeit Hope by Crystal Caudill

I love how Caudill manages to touch on God’s design for marriage and the true meaning of love without getting preachy.

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