
Future Harvest

We need to think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth where the stump of what was is no longer giving life.

The Remnant is Rising

You shall see My church triumphant despite all the world’s attempts to subdue and kill her off!

The Eighth Shot—A Vision

The twisting of truth put them into a deceptive slumber where they could not make a sound decision or find their own beliefs.

Our Super Power

Let our LOVE shine SO BRIGHT that it lights up this dark and dying world.

Into Freedom

God wants to see you make the courageous step into freedom and out of the places that have been hindering you.

Simple Satisfaction

What we are pursuing in this life will reveal our motivation and the condition of our hearts.

From a Candle to a Lighthouse

If we are to become what God wants us to become, it will only come from unprecedented levels of self-sacrifice and transparency.

Becoming Useful to God

Through his work and the Moody Center, James Spencer recognized the character of D.L. Moody as a man who followed Christ.

Hot Mess – Holy MESSage

Having delved deeply into God’s redemptive grace and continually receiving the truth of her new identity in Christ, Speas unashamedly boasts in her weaknesses.

Parents, Tag, We’re It! 

Parents, it’s time we enjoy quality time drawing the Word of God into your children’s hearts and minds—all from our kitchen tables. 

LIV2DAY: Living in Fear (Discussing the Jab)

Dr. Paula tackles the big topic of “the jab,” aka the COVID19 vaccination. In this episode, she examines the controversial issue through the lens of both science and our God-given immunity system. Applying her own life story, she shares a fresh perspective on the issue that she hopes will leave you feeling empowered and at peace.

LIV2DAY: Living in Fear (Discussing the Jab)

Dr. Paula tackles the big topic of “the jab,” aka the COVID19 vaccination. In this episode, she examines the controversial issue through the lens of both science and our God-given immunity system. Applying her own life story, she shares a fresh perspective on the issue that she hopes will leave you feeling empowered and at peace.

Light Pollution, Part 1

The first edition of a Lenten series hosted by 68 Church. Be sure to take a listen to part 1 of Light Pollution!