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Even Through the Fog

The key is to keep moving in the direction you know the Lord is aiming you toward.

An Unraveling is Beginning

To remain silent when we know that a corrupting evil is taking place makes us compliant with the evil itself.

A Shift In Our Thinking

When fear and concern arise, we need to give those feelings to the Lord and allow Him to migrate our thinking toward a place of faith.

Hear the Lion’s Song!

I AM calling your children home, I cry with a loud voice, as when a Lion roars and the Seven Thunders utter their voices.

What’s Your Addiction?

Nothing else satisfies my soul like time spent in His presence reading His love letter that was written just to me!

God’s Baptism

God is sending a baptism of a spiritual deluge meant to sweep away our impotent forms of modern Churchianity.

Your Story is Not Over

As you step forward, you will receive the spirit of joy and great expectation as you move in the right direction.

A Form of Godliness

Does true forgiveness and reconciliation even have a chance of rising above our self-important impulse to pass judgment?

Kingdom Bridge

This is a moment right now that God is calling people to get off the road that everybody’s on and pursue His Kingdom.

Never Abandoned

Our trust in God becomes a witness to the world of His faithfulness.

Carry On Wayward Sons (and Daughters)

God has a unique purpose for each and every one of us. The need to step into or to continue to tenaciously and faithfully pursue this calling has never been more important than right now!

LIV2DAY: Living in Fear (Discussing the Jab)

Dr. Paula tackles the big topic of “the jab,” aka the COVID19 vaccination. In this episode, she examines the controversial issue through the lens of both science and our God-given immunity system. Applying her own life story, she shares a fresh perspective on the issue that she hopes will leave you feeling empowered and at peace.

LIV2DAY: Living in Fear (Discussing the Jab)

Dr. Paula tackles the big topic of “the jab,” aka the COVID19 vaccination. In this episode, she examines the controversial issue through the lens of both science and our God-given immunity system. Applying her own life story, she shares a fresh perspective on the issue that she hopes will leave you feeling empowered and at peace.