
Reengaging What We Left Behind

Our Spirit-filled churches are being called to return to that kind of demonstration through a re-engagement with Heaven’s language.

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Beyond Red and Blue

As important as politics and the kingdoms of this world are, they pale in comparison to God’s Kingdom. The call of every follower of Jesus is to be “Salt” and “Light” in the culture around us, not just in the church building. We need to suit up and show up and be the world changers and culture shapers we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be.

Word, Light, Truth

With Jesus in my life, my life has meaning and purpose, and my existence makes sense.

The Law of Love

It is God’s mercy for the sick, the broken, and the demonized that moves Him to compassion.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Reintroducing Table and Well

Life invited us to take a pause from recording the podcast. It became a little longer than we anticipated but during that time so much has been revealed to us and we can’t wait to start sharing it with you.

ONE VOICE PODCAST: How Do You Stop Worrying?

Do you want to know HOW to STOP worrying?  For real…I want to talk to you about the thing we carry around that needs to GO!! Worry is KILLING YOU! And it’s time for it to GO!

Apart from Faith

My pilgrimage with the Lord has brought full restoration to my once-shattered heart.

Blessed are the Persecuted Part 2

It certainly takes a resilient faith to hold firmly to the blessings found in scripture for those persecuted for their love of Christ.

Simple and Humble

I walk humbly before God, not taking myself too seriously and surrendering to the One who is able as I see what I lack.

Heaven’s Gate

So venture not out each day until you know I’m by your side.

THE 99 RELAPSES PODCAST: Is Addiction Sin? – Part 2

In this Episode, Christian Addiction Recovery Coach and Counselor James Egidio answers the perplexing and often asked question, “Is Addiction Sin?” and discusses 32 additional sins that are triggered by addiction.

Future Harvest

We need to think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth where the stump of what was is no longer giving life.


Pain is just one of many parts of our life journey. All of us have a story. In this episode, Annette deep dives into some of the trauma moments of her life and how God brought her from despair to deliverance. God is good. There is always hope!

Our Super Power

Let our LOVE shine SO BRIGHT that it lights up this dark and dying world.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Building Quieting Capacity

Ally George joins Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their deep drive into joy and quiet. In this episode, they will be talking about building your Quieting Capacity.  Just like you need to build your Joy Capacity building your Quieting Capacity is just as important. 


Janet shares a word of encouragement!  There is a HOPE for your future! GOD has GOOD things He wants to give you! He has an inheritance for you. The best is yet to come.

Morning Prayer

Help me to navigate in this chaotic world with Your peace.

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Roswell and Area 51

Join Jimmy and Annette as they engage the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful of doing life together in a world that seems to have lost it’s True North. Laugh with us, and at us, as we choose to Live Up in a Down World!

Into Freedom

God wants to see you make the courageous step into freedom and out of the places that have been hindering you.

Blessed are the Gentle

In modern society being meek, gentle, or humble are not admired attributes – indeed they are often mocked.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: Keep it Light – with Joël Malm

If the burden of life feels too heavy to handle, maybe you’re carrying something you were never meant to carry alone. Joel helps us identify why we carry too much, implement boundaries and balance, and understand how to prioritize what matters most.

Simple Satisfaction

What we are pursuing in this life will reveal our motivation and the condition of our hearts.

THE 99 RELAPSES PODCAST: Is Addiction Sin? – Part 1

In this Episode, Christian Addiction Recovery Coach and Counselor James Egidio answers the perplexing and often asked question, “Is Addiction Sin?” and discusses 32 additional sins that are triggered by addiction.

God’s Love

He calls you to come and sit with Him to find rest.

When Time Devours Space

Jesus chooses to enter into the world we experience . . . so that we might be able to truly know Him.

Connected and Blessed

If you want to stay connected to Jesus, stay connected to the Bible, which is His very Word to us.

From a Candle to a Lighthouse

If we are to become what God wants us to become, it will only come from unprecedented levels of self-sacrifice and transparency.


Today I share an easy and powerful tool that tunes you back into God’s presence, where He offers perfect peace. This is something you can do throughout the day to help you de-stress. I think you’ll love it!

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Joy – Building Capacity through Faces and Appreciation

We find Joy in the faces of the people around us. The ability to sustain Joy is directly connected to the amount of Joy that is in our ‘Joy Well’  Join Tennison and Ginelle as they pick up their conversation about Joy.  In this episode, they will talk about the finding Joy on the faces of others and Appreciation.