THE JAIME LUCE PODCAST: The Quiet Strength of Trusting God’s Plan
As we step into 2025, this episode promises to change your perspective on the virtue of patience and the significance of waiting on God’s perfect timing.
As we step into 2025, this episode promises to change your perspective on the virtue of patience and the significance of waiting on God’s perfect timing.
Understanding what it means to become His bondservant is essential to understanding this vision.
The kingdom is brought to us through the whole counsel of God and through the indwelling, power, and presence of the Holy Spirit.
In this episode, I share what I heard from the Spirit of the Lord regarding what is necessary to move forward and possess new ground as pure vessels, carriers of His precious and costly anointing.
Take your eyes off of yourself and put them upon God.
Through examining passages from Isaiah, Zechariah, and Luke, Pastor Nathan discusses the distinction between worldly peace and the divine peace offered by Christ.
A declaration of God’s love in the morning means a prayerfully spoken anticipation of it before the day even begins.
Envy is pushed out because it is all about God, His kingdom, and others, not self.
The paradox of striving to be holy like God while still sinning is a central tension in Christian life.
We can resentfully fight the unforeseen, the unexpected, and the inevitable or embrace the fact that we are not all-knowing.
Instead of chasing after the winds of human success and status, we are called to chase after the wind of God’s Spirit.
Remember 1 Peter 3:15-16, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
Join us as we share invaluable lessons on faith, generosity, and combating fear with grace, all while drawing inspiration from a life dedicated to God.
God’s government—His kingdom—is now being established. Seek it and put your trust in it.
We must turn our eyes away from the world’s vanities to the truly beautiful things of the Kingdom of God.
It’s time to turn in your perception and see that God’s goodness is following you. When you embrace His goodness, everything changes! Learn how today!
All day, every day, we are baptized in repentance and constantly re-aligning ourselves to His ways and to His Kingdom.
The concept of luck implies randomness and chaos, but the truth of God’s Word brings order and purpose.
As in the Parable of the Talents, we are not to bury our talents, but to use them, no matter how great or how small.
Fasting is a way to touch God’s heart because the heart of a fast is to bless God.
Be the co-worker that does the job that needs to be done and builds others up at the same time.
Pastor Tim urges listeners to ground their hope in Jesus and reflect on the season’s true meaning despite personal challenges and societal pressures.
When we know the absolute truth of God’s Word, as revealed to us by His Holy Spirit, those who speak anything else become quickly evident.
Being an heir to what God is offering has eternal value.
I believe God is calling us to enter the new year with courage and confidence.
Life’s challenges often require a blend of faith and wisdom, reminding us of the power of prayer and living in the present. This episode underscores the importance of maintaining relationships and choosing forgiveness over anger, advocating for peace as a guiding principle.
As Holy Spirit leads, specific needs will be highlighted with wisdom and guidance of how precisely to pray.
Humility before God and the grace it provides is our most powerful plan of attack.
Are you discouraged, not having seen the fulfillment of promises the Lord has shown you? In this podcast, I will share what has been happening recently in my life.
Remember the Lord’s goodness, His greatness, His power, and His love whenever you pray.
The call to obedience and action is not a burden but a grace-filled invitation to participate in the life of Christ.
Finding pleasure in this world, using the world’s ways, will only lead to death and hopelessness.
Pastor Nathan delivers a passionate sermon centered on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Book of Daniel, highlighting their uncompromising faith in God despite facing potential death in a fiery furnace.
God wants to help us in our times of need. He wants us to call upon His name.
As a believer, you are a part of a pillar and foundation that the world needs to know.
By confronting the false narrative of love prevalent in today’s society, we urge you to grow in your faith, understanding love as patient, kind, and truthful.
If we’re living for Him and not ourselves, it will always be all about Him.
To stay Kingdom-minded, stay focused on serving the King, not self.
He is with us the whole time, and He comforts us as we go through this valley.
Individuals and churches have been deceived by cleverly orchestrated words to lead people into actions against God’s word.
We must become passionate about what HE is passionate for.
Pastor Nathan draws parallels between Jonah’s story and Jesus’ teachings, highlighting how human desire for power and self-righteousness can obstruct our relationship with God. He encourages listeners to relinquish their false sources of power and truly submit to Jesus for transformation.
And so it is with life—preparation for the procession qualifies us to march in peace.
Feelings like the world often permeate the lives of believers in the church.
While we have allowed society to remove God, Satan has moved in.
Remember, your story is still being written, so don’t judge your current chapter. Always look ahead to where God’s glory will shine the brightest in your life.
The Holy Spirit is called “the Helper” because He helps us through the process of restoration and uses us to help others.
We step over the line and move from head-knowledge to heart-knowledge, from being born of water in the natural to being born again in the Spirit.
Don’t let doubt take you out; stay full of faith—Kingdom-minded!
No matter who we are or how well we have it or how spiritually mature we are, we all need a shepherd.
Time, itself, is an inadequate descriptor of who God is and what He is doing.
You must be willing to ask yourself if the actions you are doing show your belief in God or deny your belief in God.
The sermon concludes with a call to trust in God’s overarching plan and to find strength in His voice during times of uncertainty and challenge.
The Lord is standing right there with you in the midst of the trials of life.
As we wrap up, we focus on God’s promise of deliverance and His call to obedience and strength. It’s not about who we are, but about who God is, and His unwavering faithfulness to His promises.
It’s God’s will for us to be holy, and that couldn’t happen with the sacrifices of the old covenant.
Creation will have a clear understanding of the ultimate result of all we try to do without God.
God wants to lead us into beautiful, just-the-right-time moments.
To stay Kingdom-minded, we must be alert to the tactics of the enemy.
We are to be missionaries, with great patience and careful instruction.
Believers are to strive to obey God’s commands in every area of their life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said we should just tell the truth: “Let your no mean no and your yes mean yes.”
Pastor Nathan emphasizes the importance of recognizing and combating spiritual warfare, encouraging listeners to seek freedom from strongholds and demonic influences.
There is the struggle to resist sin in order to be able to follow God’s ways of living.
Anger against God rises, causing one to run away from God rather than towards Him as we believe the lies of the enemy about God’s character.
The conversation highlights personal responsibility and the significance of guarding our hearts and eyes against temptation, with social media as a modern-day adversary.
The bride nature of the true church will take on the Lord’s heart for all of His purposes, especially the restoration of mankind.
The same Holy Spirit that was on Peter, and who raised Jesus from the dead, also works in us – in every conversation.
We are citizens of the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of self.
With a little trickle of deception here or there mixed with truth, they say something that’s false smoothly, and the audience starts nodding their head.
Put your focus upon God and allow Him to guide your steps.
Pastor Nathan explores the spiritual and prophetic meanings of feasts such as Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.
Take on the mind and actions of Jesus and choose to edify others.
The more one leans upon God for strength and power, the more one can accomplish for Him.
Join us for an empowering dialogue with author Deborah Gaskell as we journey through her story of resilience and strength of spirit.
God’s revelation only comes from a heart submitted to God and from someone open to hearing what the Lord is saying to the Church.
As we see at the end of the book of Revelation, everything that was lost in the Garden is recovered.
The Lord’s unfailing presence in David’s life served as the source of his thankfulness.
What God calls us to, He will equip us for, and He will empower us for. He’ll give us what we need to do the job that He’s called us to do.
Are you seeing the manifestation of the promises of God in your life? Learn what things might be stopping this from happening, and a key to activating your faith found in the book of Hebrews!
We must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and in a way that is not quarrelsome or resentful.
We dare to approach the nearness of the Almighty because there is over us the shadow of a cross.
The test is loving God when things of life are in chaos and painful and temptation to sin is hitting you from all sides.
By contrasting human intelligence with divine wisdom, Pastor Nathan demonstrates how Solomon’s life—from his acts of sacrifice to his renowned judgments and eventual repentance—foreshadows true wisdom found in Jesus.
Be His witness in the manner that He has set for you to build His kingdom.
Allow yourself to become a slave to His righteousness and holiness.
God created us in His image and likeness to have communion with Him, and He invites us to be united with Him.
Explore the profound themes of encouragement and resilience in the face of life’s battles. Drawing inspiration from biblical stories, we reflect on the struggles faced by figures such as King David and Job.
God most often chooses a small group to change the world with Him.
Tribulations are a gateway to the kingdom for us, and ultimately for the whole world.
I know that God is far more committed to my character than He is to my comfort.
That boldness that we need to step out in faith does not come from inside us, it comes from a supernatural indwelling of The Holy Spirit.
We need not fear the storms to come because Jesus has declared that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church. Learn what this means and how to apply it today!
He wants to encourage you to continue in your prayer, making room for the possibility of delay.
God is the one who is orchestrating everything to work together to build His kingdom.
Tim Mahoney’s search for Patterns of Evidence is far from complete. His latest films present the 2 major views of the Red Sea Miracle and follow the evidence where it leads. Was the miracle of the Red Sea parting really as epic as portrayed by Cecil B. DeMille??? Follow filmmaker Tim Mahoney as he reveals the Patterns of Evidence he has discovered along his way.
In this sermon, Pastor Nathan addresses the challenging biblical passage of 2 Samuel 12, exploring the story of King David’s sin with Bathsheba and the subsequent confrontation by the prophet Nathan.
By the Holy Spirit, God leads and directs a person in how to change and become more like Jesus.
While God has laid down many rules and regulations on how to live life, He has also given believers freedom in living life.
Devouring a fellow believer is a form of spiritual cannibalism, a meal of division offered by Satan.