President Trump

What is the Golden Age?

You’ve heard of Project 2025, but it was propaganda to turn your vote blue. In reality, MAGA Republicans have their sights set on the Golden Age—what does this mean for America’s future?

February is Freedom Month

I AM giving you an opportunity to make up for lost time in this new day of restoration, reset, and revival.

The Serpent Head of Tyranny: USAID

Elon Musk has struck a nerve, or more aptly the serpent head of a corrupt government’s infinite money hack. Unfortunately for American Patriots, chances are we’re dealing with a Medusa.

Save Our Nation: 33 Reasons We Must Vote for Trump

Whether you are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, it is imperative that we pray for God’s hand to be on us—and vote for Donald J. Trump to save our nation. Our faith, freedoms, liberties, health, financial well-being, and the pursuit of happiness are on the line. 

Reflections on MAGA Square Garden

The US partisan system has become so polarized that many Americans now reside in two totally distinct realities. President Trump’s notorious MSG rally is a perfect microcosm of this phenomenon.

Dear Leftist Family and Friends

How we choose, or how successful the efforts to subvert the will of the people, in the upcoming election will have a profound impact on our nation, our lives, and the rest of the world.

Conspiracy Theorists versus Conspiracy Realists

With the ever-accelerating aggressiveness of the globalist one-world-order cabal (along with the dramatic rise of independent journalism,) connect-the-dots assertions quickly lose any plausible deniability and often become proven facts.

Freedom of Speech is on the Ballot in the 2024 Election

Censorship is rapidly expanding across the world, and it is reaching epidemic proportions. Although the United States has withstood this contagion more than most places, there is an epic battle underway right here on our soil.

Communism is on the Ballot in the 2024 Election

Among the myriad of critical issues, there is an overarching matter that creates great peril, threatening to complete the “fundamental transformation” of our nation that most do not desire.

The Eighth Shot—A Vision

The twisting of truth put them into a deceptive slumber where they could not make a sound decision or find their own beliefs.

SEEING DEEP PODCAST: Finding Perspective—Looking to the Past

The breaching of the capital perhaps can waken us up for the need to not just believe the perspective we are hearing from either camp. So how do we find truth? How do we regain our perspective when we have let our perspective be tainted in a fallen world? By looking to the past. The past can be a tutor if we are willing to listen. 

SEEING DEEP PODCAST: Finding Perspective—Looking to the Past

The breaching of the capital perhaps can waken us up for the need to not just believe the perspective we are hearing from either camp. So how do we find truth? How do we regain our perspective when we have let our perspective be tainted in a fallen world? By looking to the past. The past can be a tutor if we are willing to listen. 

About Ukraine: What is Really Happening with Russia?

Given that the conflict is across the Atlantic and largely out of the eyes of most alternative news sources, it’s particularly hard to gather information and insight because we are having to rely so much on the mainstream media and our government.

SEEING DEEP PODCAST: Finding Perspective—Looking to the Past

The breaching of the capital perhaps can waken us up for the need to not just believe the perspective we are hearing from either camp. So how do we find truth? How do we regain our perspective when we have let our perspective be tainted in a fallen world? By looking to the past. The past can be a tutor if we are willing to listen. 

Is God About to Play His Trump Card?

OPINION – Early yesterday morning as the fog of current events rolled around in my head, clarity of thought started to emerge. For one, it seems very unlikely that President Trump would just roll over and quietly exit. He knows full well that it was a fake insurrection sparked by paid anarchists on January 6th […]

The Bible Tribe: Day 10

Summary: God is inviting us to believe in Him when things seem impossible. We can choose to trust in ourselves or others or in outcomes, or in God. But when the rubber meets the road, our belief in God and his promises will determine whether or not we…

The Bible Tribe: Day 9

Being famous isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Just ask the starlets of our day. But still we can want to seek after fame. Perhaps it comes from a place of just wanting acceptance when the sting of rejection is so memorable.

My Experience in DC on January 6th

It was all so surreal, as I stood between the Capitol building and the Washington Monument, watching and praying, trying to discern, and understand it all. 

All In One Day

In a powerful speech in Georgia last night, Donald Trump was as methodical, deliberate, and effective as any top-flight attorney. He made the case and delivered the speech of his life.

The Lies that Divide

Especially as Christians, there is no division among those who follow Jesus. We are one. And we need to realize there is an agenda to divide us.

Mario Murillo: Everything is in Danger

“This towering American spirit has prevailed over every challenge and lifted us to the summit of human endeavor.  And yet despite all of our greatness as a nation, everything we have achieved is now in danger.” –Donald J. Trump

I Told Me So

Everyone believes that they have come to the most logical conclusion given the information they have been given. We all believe that we are right and, naturally, no one likes to believe that they are wrong.

Can We Change Our Future? We’d Better!

Last week, Pastor Dana Coverstone from Kentucky released a video about some prophetic dreams he has had concerning our nation. I believe God will often allow us to see into the enemy’s camp to learn of his strategies and plans so that we can counter them.