
The Serpent Head of Tyranny: USAID

Elon Musk has struck a nerve, or more aptly the serpent head of a corrupt government’s infinite money hack. Unfortunately for American Patriots, chances are we’re dealing with a Medusa.

DEW Point: LA is the Next Maui?

Similarities between the Los Angeles and Lahaina “wildfires” point to either criminal negligence or malignant malfeasance—which is it?

Dying to Speak

There’s an apparent correlation between speaking out and committing suicide. Why do whistleblowers have such a high propensity for ending their own lives?

Plane Incoming: The Next Psyop?

Some find the Democrats’ quiet acceptance of a monumental loss quite suspicious, like one former government official who recently turned in his badge.

FEMA, Leave the North Carolinians Alone

Crickets chirp from the media as the government-ordained fallout from Hurricane Helene ravages NC families, leaving them without aid, housing, land, and even their own children.

Save Our Nation: 33 Reasons We Must Vote for Trump

Whether you are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, it is imperative that we pray for God’s hand to be on us—and vote for Donald J. Trump to save our nation. Our faith, freedoms, liberties, health, financial well-being, and the pursuit of happiness are on the line. 

Reflections on MAGA Square Garden

The US partisan system has become so polarized that many Americans now reside in two totally distinct realities. President Trump’s notorious MSG rally is a perfect microcosm of this phenomenon.

Programming… Civil War?

Are the Elites coaxing and stoking a civil war on US soil? If so, what tricks do they have up their sleeves, and what can We the People do about it?

Dear Leftist Family and Friends

How we choose, or how successful the efforts to subvert the will of the people, in the upcoming election will have a profound impact on our nation, our lives, and the rest of the world.

The ABCs of Tyranny

By seizing control of nations from within, countries can be overthrown without the citizens even batting an eye.

Red Alert: America Under Attack

A massive historical operation is taking place right under Americans’ noses—the infiltration, subversion, and destruction of the United States of America.

Conspiracy Theorists versus Conspiracy Realists

With the ever-accelerating aggressiveness of the globalist one-world-order cabal (along with the dramatic rise of independent journalism,) connect-the-dots assertions quickly lose any plausible deniability and often become proven facts.

Freedom of Speech is on the Ballot in the 2024 Election

Censorship is rapidly expanding across the world, and it is reaching epidemic proportions. Although the United States has withstood this contagion more than most places, there is an epic battle underway right here on our soil.

Communism is on the Ballot in the 2024 Election

Among the myriad of critical issues, there is an overarching matter that creates great peril, threatening to complete the “fundamental transformation” of our nation that most do not desire.

Absurd Times

Without the Spirit and Word working together, the grid of our faith will fail.

It Can’t Happen Here

Anyone in a position of leadership who oppresses and enslaves God’s people have set their nation on a course toward punishment.

Carry On Wayward Sons (and Daughters)

God has a unique purpose for each and every one of us. The need to step into or to continue to tenaciously and faithfully pursue this calling has never been more important than right now!

About Ukraine: What is Really Happening with Russia?

Given that the conflict is across the Atlantic and largely out of the eyes of most alternative news sources, it’s particularly hard to gather information and insight because we are having to rely so much on the mainstream media and our government.

When Fear Leads

Behind our uncanny ability to go along with fear-based solutions masquerading as truth, is our need to fit in and be seen as a rational person.

Trump is Coming Back

I can say with total certainty that God is in control and that Donald Trump is His choice for this coming season.

No Neutrality

Is staying neutral, shutting my mouth, and “being nice” the right thing to do?

One Pastor Taking a Stand

Once Esther gathered the whole truth, she realized the necessity of taking a stand, even if it was her death sentence.

It is Written!

As citizens of a constitutional Republic, we have laws and statutes that act as written covenants on our behalf.

The Power of the Lie

Deception may cause blindness and a hardened heart, but the fear of the Lord brings peace and clarity like nothing else will.

A Totalitarian Faith

We have entered perilous times where brothers and sisters will betray each other all for the sake of “the greater good”.

The Message of the Hour

A growing number of Christians believe America is too far gone. At the same time, many say that a great awakening will save us.

The Black Pill

Exhausted from the disappointment of the fraud election, many have simply given up.

Living Faith Forward

We need to keep our wits about us protecting our minds from unnecessary impact with fear.

This is It!

The goal is to indoctrinate young people with the false narrative that America invented slavery.

Somthing Changed the Way I Pray for America

Just as God came down and confused the languages at the tower of Babel, I declare that confusion and division will come between the leftist powers in the media and government.