THE DEPOT PODCAST: The Top Reason It Matters If the Church Forgets About Pentecost

So many churches are failing to not only celebrate Pentecost on the date of its observance but are also failing to help believers understand the importance of the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.

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Audio Podcast
Audio Podcast
THE DEPOT PODCAST: The Top Reason It Matters If the Church Forgets About Pentecost




In this episode, Erin Olson discusses the importance of Pentecost. So many churches are failing to not only celebrate Pentecost on the date of its observance but are also failing to help believers understand the importance of the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.

People and churches who fail to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit are no different than an electric car sitting in a garage with a power supply station set up on the wall, but never getting hooked up to the power supply. The car doesn’t work as it should because it doesn’t have power. Believers who don’t understand what the Holy Spirit offers are no different. Once people understand what Jesus meant when He said He had to leave so the Helper would come (John 16:7), they will understand the Holy Spirit is the Helper who Jesus knew we would need.

Scriptures used:

Matthew 12:34-36, John 3:8

Matthew 10:19-20, Luke 12:11-12

Matthew 12:31-32, Mark 3:28-29

Luke 24:45

Acts 1:4-5

Acts 4:23-31

Acts 8

Galatians 5:17

Ephesians 4:3

1 Thessalonians 5:19

Erin’s website information:

For more resources and to sign up to receive Erin’s weekly ministry newsletter, visit Erin Olson’s ministry website, Sandalfeet Ministries, at

Erin’s book, Spiritual Orphans: A Generation in Crisis, is available now

Social media links:

Facebook: @sandalfeet

Instagram: @erin.olson

Twitter: @sandal_feet


This episode first appeared on

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About the Author

Erin Olson's primary full-time ministry is that of a homemaker which consists of serving her husband, Scott, her three children, and four dogs. In 2012 while raising her young family, she founded Sandalfeet Ministries as a way to minister to people through writing, speaking, and teaching. She blogs on her website, is a podcaster, Bible study teacher, radio host on, ordained minister, and the author of four published works. She holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, a master's degree in Christian Leadership, and she currently resides with her family in Birmingham, AL.