Gary Suess

Gary is President and Co-Founder of Kingdom Winds and the Kingdom Winds Collective. He has a heart for creativity and advancing the Kingdom! In his spare time, he can be found enjoying time with his cats, searching for the next Mack and Manco pizza, listening to music, playing or watching sports, learning new things, or multitasking any of the above.

INDEPENDENCE DAY: A Prayer for Our Nation

On this special day set aside to celebrate the United States of America, I humbly offer this heartfelt prayer of praise, thanksgiving, and intercession!

A Call to Action to Preserve Our Sovereignty, Freedom, and Liberties

An urgent matter continues to lurk in the shadows with monumental implications. It would represent a huge leap forward towards the Biblical one-world governance—or as globalists have referenced “The New World Order” or the foundation of “The 2030 Agenda.”  

A Call to Action to Preserve Our Sovereignty, Freedom, and Liberties

An urgent matter continues to lurk in the shadows with monumental implications.  

INDEPENDENCE DAY: A Prayer for Our Nation

On this special day set aside to celebrate the United States of America, I humbly offer this heartfelt prayer of praise, thanksgiving, and intercession!

Celebrating Our Nation—The Gift that Keeps on Giving

We are a country founded on liberties and certain inalienable rights, including the pursuit of happiness.

INDEPENDENCE DAY: A Prayer for Our Nation

On this special day set aside to celebrate the United States of America, I humbly offer this heartfelt prayer of praise, thanksgiving, and intercession!

Celebrating Our Nation—The Gift That Keeps On Giving

We are a country founded on liberties and certain inalienable rights, including the pursuit of happiness.

Carry On Wayward Sons (and Daughters)

God has a unique purpose for each and every one of us. The need to step into or to continue to tenaciously and faithfully pursue this calling has never been more important than right now!

The United States of America – A Captured Nation on the Precipice

Washington DC is a criminal enterprise. Most everyone there is either part of the regime, an enabler, or a co-conspirator.

The DC Destruction Continues: Will We Take a Stand?

While missiles, bombs, and nukes are being deployed or threatened around the world—a massive explosion of our own national debt and economy is about to detonate right here at home.

Align in Purpose. Amplify Your Voice. Advance the Kingdom.

The Kingdom Winds Collective— Join a movement to advance the Kingdom!

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