Janet shares a word of encouragement! There is a HOPE for your future! GOD has GOOD things He wants to give you! He has an inheritance for you. The best is yet to come.
I want to share with you scripture that has been on my heart and a word I feel like God put in my spirit. I don’t know, but I feel maybe someone needs to hear God speak over your life. I want to read in Amos 9:11-15 and pay close attention to these words:
Amos 9:11-15 Living Bible
11 “Then, at that time, I will rebuild the City of David, which is now lying in ruins, and return it to its former glory,
14 I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they will rebuild their ruined cities and live in them again; they will plant vineyards and gardens; they will eat their crops and drink their wine.
15 I will firmly plant them there upon the land that I have given them; they shall not be pulled up again,” says the Lord your God
You’ve got to hear all the Lord has put in my heart for you!
Somebody needs to hear this:
Don’t let the season of pain and loss determine WHERE God is taking you and WHAT He is doing IN YOU! Listen, Jesus will take every ounce of your pain…….. He will plant it……and it will reproduce JOY. There is a harvest of joy coming your way!”
The Lord is your Helper! The Word says in Psalm 121
I will lift up my eyes to the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not let your feet go out from under you. He Who watches over you will not sleep. Listen, He Who watches over Israel will not close his eyes or sleep. The Lord watches over you. The Lord is your safe cover at your right hand. The sun will not hurt you during the day, and the moon will not hurt you during the night. The Lord will keep you from all that is sinful. He will watch over your soul. The Lord will watch over your coming and going, now and forever.
Some of you are wondering why certain doors have shut in your life. It’s because the Lord is watching over you. You are asking God why certain things have happened or why certain things have not happened. Now, I’m not gonna lie….I’ve been there…..recently….asking God, “What is going on?” It seems like when it rains….well…..it pours!!! But you know what? The Word says that God is watching over every detail of our lives. We need to trust HIM. And….take advantage of the HELP he’s giving us.
You are the apple of His eye. You are precious to the Lord! His eyes have been on you, and He has seen Your pain. There is a time coming, and it is now that I am restoring, and I will RESTORE all the devil has stolen. I have raised up people in the past, and I am raising you up now…. I will RAISE YOU UP to bless you, and you will be a blessing! I have repaired in the past. I am repairing it now……I will REPAIR all that has been damaged! I have rebuilt in the past, I am rebuilding you now……and I will REBUILD all that has been devastated! Why? Because I love you!
Now is the time to RISE UP to BE A BLESSING to everyone you meet! You will plant seeds of HOPE, and while you are “being a blessing” to someone, I am preparing a “blessing” for you!
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This episode first appeared on https://www.janetswansonministries.com/podcast.html
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