Are You Willing?
Are you willing to bear My cross with Me?
Are you willing to bear My cross with Me?
My burdens are hushed with the brush of Your love.
You will escort in My Glory and show the world of Me.
A spotless Lamb to redeem back man.
I sense Your peace, You calm me down.
Out of death, He brought life.
He is the path because He is the Way.
Listen in as Sharon Swain shares about her newest book Walking in Favor.
He’s chosen you, child; you were hand-picked by Him.
He’ll make you strong in Him, when you’re thrust out on a limb.
Sharon Swain’s insightful poetry encourages you to lean into the Truth of Who God is and the Truth of His Word.
The serenading choir, all sitting on a wire, ushers in a song of love.
You are redeemed and He’s calling your name.
You are His choice to be His voice.
You speak to my heart and tell me You care.
He’s bound to love you—He does that best.
He paid the price.
Praising Him brings your rescue.
I paved the way to eternity.
My chosen companion and anointed in love.
A new day was here and new life could be found.
Each one of my days is numbered by You.
My Glory will be known throughout the earth.
He gave His Life to set you free.
You doubt if there’s a purpose; To sit amongst the people; The lowly and the feeble.
I am the door, the way to God.
Come soar with Me on higher ground.
He’s our God and He never turns away.
Oh, what a day, a glorious day!
God speaks, Do you hear me?
A life of choice to follow our Savior.
Reflections on God’s overwhelming love for His Bride.
You’re listening now to what He says; you no longer fear or have to dread.
Where is the peace in the midst of the chatter?
You’ve made Him known, it was your choice. You listened well, you heard His voice.