Tied Up and Entangled

Where is the peace in the midst of the chatter?

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Tied up and entangled
With things that don’t matter
Like cobwebs and dust
And things that scatter.

And jokesters and tricksters
And labels and matter
Light fixtures and such
And us getting fatter.

Charm and deception
And a dazzling complexion
Wrapped in a bow
All for show.

Winding roads
And paths that scatter,
Puzzle pieces,
Words that shatter.

Minds in an uproar
Trains that roar
Listless purpose
To and fro.

Meaningless phrases
In dapper array
Opening performance
Don’t delay.

Frayed and tattered
Do empty hearts matter?
Where is the peace
In the midst of the chatter?

But freedom and purpose
And things that matter
Are found at the cross
And the blood that was
For you and me
Because we matter.

Cuz Jesus became sin
And rose again
So we could find Him
In the midst of the chatter
In a world filled with lots of
Things that don’t matter.



Featured Image by bstad from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Sharon L. Swain is a poet and Kingdom Winds Collective Member. Sharon and her husband Ron are retired and enjoy spending time with their family. She has a passion for flower gardens and writing poetry, which has been a focus for her since 2003. Sharing God’s goodness and the freedom found in knowing Christ is an important calling on her life.