THE DEPOT PODCAST: Three Things Every Christian Must Do for the Gospel – Lessons from 1 Timothy 1

1 Timothy was a personal letter written by the Apostle Paul to Timothy. Not only was it a personal letter, but it also serves as a handbook of church administration and doctrine. It was useful and encouraging for Timothy in his day, and it continues to be useful and encouraging in our day today. 

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Audio Podcast
Audio Podcast
THE DEPOT PODCAST: Three Things Every Christian Must Do for the Gospel - Lessons from 1 Timothy 1




In today’s episode, Erin Olson begins her teaching series on 1 Timothy. 1 Timothy was a personal letter written by the Apostle Paul to Timothy. Not only was it a personal letter, but it also serves as a handbook of church administration and doctrine. It was useful and encouraging for Timothy in his day, and it continues to be useful and encouraging in our day today.


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Facebook: @sandalfeet

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Twitter: @sandal_feet

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About the Author

Erin Olson's primary full-time ministry is that of a homemaker which consists of serving her husband, Scott, her three children, and four dogs. In 2012 while raising her young family, she founded Sandalfeet Ministries as a way to minister to people through writing, speaking, and teaching. She blogs on her website, is a podcaster, Bible study teacher, radio host on, ordained minister, and the author of four published works. She holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, a master's degree in Christian Leadership, and she currently resides with her family in Birmingham, AL.