THE DEPOT PODCAST: Saved by the Sandbar (Acts 27)

Paul, under the supervision of a centurion and aided by a couple of his friends, is put on a ship to Rome. Along the way, the ship encounters a horrible Nor’easter and is battered and broken. Miraculously, everyone survives. Paul received a message from the Lord during the storm about the preservation of life.

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Audio Podcast
Audio Podcast
THE DEPOT PODCAST: Saved by the Sandbar (Acts 27)




In this episode, Erin Olson continues her series in the book of Acts. In chapter 27, Paul, under the supervision of a centurion and aided by a couple of his friends, is put on a ship to Rome. Along the way, the ship encounters a horrible Nor’easter and is battered and broken. Miraculously, everyone survives. Paul received a message from the Lord during the storm about the preservation of life. It encouraged him and he used the word to encourage others.

Things to Think About:

  • Think of a time you found yourself in a storm. How did you feel during it? What did you do?
  • If you’ve survived a storm, how did it change you? Did it change your relationship with the Lord?

FREE DOWNLOAD: 30 Days of Prayer for America prayer guide Website: For more resources and to sign up to receive Erin’s weekly ministry newsletter, visit Erin Olson’s ministry website, Sandalfeet Ministries, at Social media links:                         Facebook: @sandalfeet                         Instagram: @erin.olson                         Twitter: @sandal_feet Subscribe to The Depot Podcast with Erin Olson:

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About the Author

Erin Olson's primary full-time ministry is that of a homemaker which consists of serving her husband, Scott, her three children, and four dogs. In 2012 while raising her young family, she founded Sandalfeet Ministries as a way to minister to people through writing, speaking, and teaching. She blogs on her website, is a podcaster, Bible study teacher, radio host on, ordained minister, and the author of four published works. She holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, a master's degree in Christian Leadership, and she currently resides with her family in Birmingham, AL.