Table & Well Podcast
HOSTS: Tennison & Ginelle Barry
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude their conversation with their friend Britton Smith. Britton, his wife Michelle, and three boys have been on RVing across the country for the past five months connecting with other pastors that are on the same journey he found himself, that he is still on. Moving from Pastor to Pioneer. Britton is the director of Pastors to Pioneer, and their mission is to help pastors move from managing institutions to pioneering movements of disciples and simple churches in their cities.
The Table levels the playing field-it is an equalizer. The Table represents unity and togetherness. The Table brings the feeling and knowing that we are seen and heard! In this episode, listen as Britton describes his and his family’s experiences around many Tables over their five months on the road. Going from handshakes to hugs, strangers to belonging, friends to family in a matter of hours.
Britton has been pioneering a simple church and discipleship movement in West Michigan since 2013. Most of that time overlapped with being a senior pastor in a growing traditional church. He now only operates in and shepherds the church that meets in homes. Britton has a passion for helping the church live into all that she is called to be according to the Word. He loves to help pastors in traditional churches see their call from the Word in fresh ways. Britton is married to Michelle, who has a heart for walking with pastors’ spouses. They have three boys who they love watching grow into active participants in the family of God.
For more information about Pastor to Pioneer or to contact Britton Smith, go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pastortopioneer
Quote read from:
The Life We’re Looking For: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World ~ Andy Crouch
If you are interested in learning how to host a Table, whether you desire to host a Community Table that meets regularly in your home, church, or online, or you just want greater skills to better connect with people around you, click this link for more details and to register for Community Table Training.
For more information about the Table go to: tableanwellco.com/communitytable
To start on your journey to relational health go to: tableandwellco.com/communtiy101
To watch this and other Podcast go to our YouTube Channel: Table & Well co
This episode first appeared on https://www.tableandwellco.com/podcast
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