TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Relational Maturity Revisited – Elder (Part 3)

In this episode, they explore what happens when people are placed into the position of elder before they are mature enough to be there. When you look across the landscape of the Christian world, you see this everywhere.

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Audio Podcast
Audio Podcast
TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Relational Maturity Revisited - Elder (Part 3)

Table & Well Podcast

HOSTS: Tennison & Ginelle Barry

Maturity stages build on each other.  They have a compounding effect.  You cannot fully complete any stage without having completed the one before it, so it’s important to go back and check for gaps and work on getting those closed up so you can more fully be who God created you to be in your current stage of life.

The Elder stage of Maturity is the most crucial and least reached stage of maturity. Without True Elders in our community, we fail to know who we are and how it is for us, as humans, to act. The goal of Elders is to sacrificially care for the community with joy. We are living in the result of a world without True Elders.

Join Tennison and Ginelle for the conclusion of the Relational Maturity Revisited Series. In this episode, they explore what happens when people are placed into the position of elder before they are mature enough to be there. When you look across the landscape of the Christian world, you see this everywhere. The overall health of communities, organizations, and churches have severely suffered. It is not uncommon for the “elder to soon” to be the cause of uninitial harm, pain, or trauma to their community.

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About the Author

Tennison and Ginelle Barry are the founding curators of Table & Well. Their shared gift of seeing people right where they are, and deep desire to create connection, have been common threads woven throughout their decades of fostering, pastoring, and community leadership.