Table & Well Podcast
HOSTS: Tennison & Ginelle Barry
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they interview their friend Ally George. Ally is from Florida and was on staff in Belize with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Destination Paradise from September 2009 to June 2017. She enjoyed leading many DTS (Discipleship Training School), FCM (Foundations in Counseling Ministry), outreaches, as well as being a member of the campus leadership team CLT (Circle Leaders Team) and Speaking while on staff. She has a passion for seeing people become free from fear and painful struggles by the power of the Holy Spirit! She loves the process of discipleship and coaching. She has been trained through Thrive Ministries and RARE Leadership in the understanding and development of relational skills. She desires to be a lifelong learner who is continually growing in trust and understanding of God.
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