The Truth About Lies
Unraveling lies we believe about ourselves instead of hiding behind them is crucial.
Unraveling lies we believe about ourselves instead of hiding behind them is crucial.
God came for you, You are good enough, you are wanted, cared for, important to Him, and you never have to earn your Savior’s love.
If you aren’t seeing God answer your prayer in the way you expected Him to, know that He does hear you.
The truth is, the cross measures our value, and we are all the same at the foot of it.
Our hurting world, our hurting Church, needs the touch of God’s healing love so desperately right now.
When you feel knocked down, remember God is the lifter of the lowly.
Our old ways, desires, and lusts begin to fade as the Spirit begins to conquer everything within us that hinders our new life in Christ that is emerging.
All it takes is one encounter with Jesus to change the trajectory of your entire life.
That summer marked the beginning of a trust journey with God.
When we keep the memories of God’s work in our lives alive, the bad memories don’t claim us.
The truth is, it is always better to be who you are and avoid making something that is not the case appear to be true.
The division between believers severely hinders our message and our ministry to the unbelieving world.
As I cried in the hotel room that night, a small spark of hope emerged.
Separating the lies we’ve believed, from the truth of who He really is, makes all the difference.
Although the Israelites could not see the wind as it blew across the waters, the evidence of its existence was seen and heard by all.
Realizing how Jesus sympathizes with us in our humanness and frailty has changed my perspective concerning guilt and shame.
Our human limitations and weaknesses sometimes present an excellent opportunity for God to work and do miracles on our behalf.
I will never ever regret a single second of having been in the dark if it means those experiences brought me closer to God and equipped me to pull someone else closer to His light.
Jesus is the Bread of Life. He is the Provider, the Miracle Worker, the Supplier of all our needs.
You have a new identity in Christ, so take off the graveclothes.
There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t acknowledge He is the One who sees me through.
The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.
Maybe you feel unlovable, unacceptable, unworthy, inadequate, or not fit for the job.
I knew too well the effects of having mentally ill family members and I did not want my kids to suffer the same pain that I did growing up.
I say no to things that wouldn’t allow me to live up to the full potential God wants for my life —so I can be rested and available for the things He wants to do in me and through me.
Imagine the impact we could have in the lives of those around us if we practiced the art of loving ourselves well.
We had just gotten back from the beach where the retreat had taken place and I got a call. Looking down at my phone, I saw that it was my half-sister, Sue.
My stomach was in knots as I talked with my step-sister, who was trying to keep me from running back to my car and driving away.
The day I began the process of finding my biological dad was just like any other ordinary day, except that day I felt an extraordinary amount of confidence.
When I first began my grief process, it seemed intense. I would be watching a movie that reminded me of him and I would suddenly start ugly crying.
I felt like I no longer had any options other than to just end the suffering and pain I had endured for many years.
I thanked the Lord and kindly reminded Him of the promise He made me. I confidently assumed that we would have a girl on our next go-around.
I was suddenly in need of a full-time job where I could fully support myself financially, not yet having any form of a college degree. It was a surreal, terrifying situation.
The Lord, my perfect Shepherd, who’s there with me and leads me through the rough terrain, is the only one who knows how to take me to places where I can find the rest and refreshment I need.
The realization of how Jesus sympathizes with me in my humanness and frailty has changed my perspective in regard to the guilt and shame I’ve carried.
Experiencing rejection can be seen as an incredible gift if you choose to look at it from God’s perspective. In doing that, my prayer is that the Lord will use you to pull people that are hurting closer to Him.
The hurricanes throughout our marriage have shown us that we are very capable of bending without breaking as trees do in powerful storms.
Jesus is the source, the miracle worker, the supplier, the multiplier. He satisfies our hunger in many different ways, and He gives in abundance.