THE DEPOT PODCAST: Do What is Right in the Eyes of the Lord

Whether we like it or not, our decisions influence others. Loving God and loving others means that we will love Him in the choices we make and the actions we take and that we will consider others when we do these things.

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Audio Podcast
Audio Podcast
THE DEPOT PODCAST: Do What is Right in the Eyes of the Lord




If they were to write your name in a book, would it say, “He/she did right in the eyes of the Lord or he/she did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord?” We are all leaders leading someone. Whether we like it or not, our decisions influence others. Loving God and loving others means that we will love Him in the choices we make and the actions we take and that we will consider others when we do these things.

Throughout the Old Testament, we saw many kings who did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. They learned their behavior from their fathers and their father’s father. They repeated bad behavior, and there were dire consequences for their actions. We see the same thing today. Many leaders still fail to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. Each one of us must make the decision to resist the temptation of the devil and not do what is evil. It might look enticing, comfortable, fun, or profitable, but anything not right in the eyes of the Lord has consequences for the person as well as the people they are leading.

Choose to do what is right.

Website: For more resources and to sign up to receive Erin’s weekly ministry newsletter, visit Erin Olson’s ministry website, Sandalfeet Ministries, at

Social media links:

Facebook: @sandalfeet

Instagram: @erin.olson

Twitter: @sandal_feet

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Erin Olson's primary full-time ministry is that of a homemaker which consists of serving her husband, Scott, her three children, and four dogs. In 2012 while raising her young family, she founded Sandalfeet Ministries as a way to minister to people through writing, speaking, and teaching. She blogs on her website, is a podcaster, Bible study teacher, radio host on, ordained minister, and the author of four published works. She holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, a master's degree in Christian Leadership, and she currently resides with her family in Birmingham, AL.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Do What is Right in the Eyes of the Lord

Whether we like it or not, our decisions influence others. Loving God and loving others means that we will love Him in the choices we make and the actions we take and that we will consider others when we do these things.

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If they were to write your name in a book, would it say, “He/she did right in the eyes of the Lord or he/she did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord?” We are all leaders leading someone. Whether we like it or not, our decisions influence others. Loving God and loving others means that we will love Him in the choices we make and the actions we take and that we will consider others when we do these things.

Throughout the Old Testament, we saw many kings who did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. They learned their behavior from their fathers and their father’s father. They repeated bad behavior, and there were dire consequences for their actions. We see the same thing today. Many leaders still fail to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. Each one of us must make the decision to resist the temptation of the devil and not do what is evil. It might look enticing, comfortable, fun, or profitable, but anything not right in the eyes of the Lord has consequences for the person as well as the people they are leading.

Choose to do what is right.

Website: For more resources and to sign up to receive Erin’s weekly ministry newsletter, visit Erin Olson’s ministry website, Sandalfeet Ministries, at

Social media links:

Facebook: @sandalfeet

Instagram: @erin.olson

Twitter: @sandal_feet

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Erin Olson's primary full-time ministry is that of a homemaker which consists of serving her husband, Scott, her three children, and four dogs. In 2012 while raising her young family, she founded Sandalfeet Ministries as a way to minister to people through writing, speaking, and teaching. She blogs on her website, is a podcaster, Bible study teacher, radio host on, ordained minister, and the author of four published works. She holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, a master's degree in Christian Leadership, and she currently resides with her family in Birmingham, AL.