Table & Well Podcast
HOSTS: Tennison & Ginelle Barry
The western church has built almost everything it does on delivering information and telling people how to live this Christian life. This way of “ministry” has not produced the true transformation we all desire. True transformation, true discipleship, only comes inside of healthy relationship and that is what is missing from the western church. That is how Jesus did it with His disciples. We are designed to live, learn and grow in community. Community is hard and messy and beautiful and rewarding. Community is where we are shown how to live this Christian life, and how is it like for me to act.
In this episode, we will explore why healthy relationship is a, if not the, most important piece to Transformation, Identity, Character Development, Spiritual Formation, and Discipleship.
This series is an adaptation of the book “The Other Half of Church” by Jim Wilder & Michel Hendricks
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