TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Response To Mars Hill – Part 3

What do you do when you find yourself embedded in a narcissistic church culture?  Should the leadership be removed altogether or can restoration happen and the leaders continue to lead?  What would it take to change the culture?  Who is at fault when narcissistic leadership emerges?

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Audio Podcast
Audio Podcast
TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Response To Mars Hill - Part 3

Table & Well Podcast

HOSTS: Tennison & Ginelle Barry

What do you do when you find yourself embedded in a narcissistic church culture?  Should the leadership be removed altogether or can restoration happen and the leaders continue to lead?  What would it take to change the culture?  Who is at fault when narcissistic leadership emerges?  Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude this conversation around these questions and much more on this episode of The Table and Well Podcast.

Mars Hill Church was founded in 1996 by Mark Driscoll, Lief Moi, and Mike Gunn, and in 2014 the church was dissolved.  Between those two dates, this church went on a wild ride.  Christianity Today produced a 10 episode podcast called the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.  As we listened to this expose, we felt, in light was our last series on the Half Brained Church, we needed to respond to this podcast.  This is not finger-pointing, or heaping on, this is our heartfelt conversation about the hurt, disappointment, and trauma that comes from being involved in churches that are being led by narcissist leaders and what we can do to heal and ultimately prevent this from happening.

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*Some stories sourced from “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” ~ Christianity Today Podcast


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About the Author

Tennison and Ginelle Barry are the founding curators of Table & Well. Their shared gift of seeing people right where they are, and deep desire to create connection, have been common threads woven throughout their decades of fostering, pastoring, and community leadership.