He Has Never Lost a Battle

Gross injustice and deception have unleashed His righteous indignation

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God sits on His glorious Heavenly throne

Looking down at this Earth He created

Laughs at the devil’s futile attempts

(That are foolish and grossly over-rated)

But His heart is filled with compassion

And tears fall from His fiery eyes

As He sees the lost filled with deception

And His righteous flirting with compromise

Liberals have decided to take on God

But Almighty God will not be mocked

And in spite of the evil that escalates daily

God will not and can not be shocked

Gross injustice and deception

Have unleashed His righteous indignation

He rises from His glorious throne

To address this evil, troubling situation

Absolutely nothing is impossible with God

There is no challenge He can’t meet

He has never lost one battle

He has never known one defeat

Our futile minds can not comprehend

The intricate perfection of His plan

But with fire in His eyes— mercy in His heart

Our God is about to take back His land!!!




Featured Image by Ricardo Cruz on Unsplash

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About the Author

Debbie Fickess is a Kingdom Winds Contributor.

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