
The Monk of Northwood

My desire is to refine the spiritual disciplines of my life so that I might remember the way I was always meant to exist.

I Have Loved

I have loved you since you drew your first breath within.


His Divine birth gave us worth now we’re forever joined as one.


Your watchful eye ever looking each time I kneel to pray.

His Voice

HIS Words engraved upon my heart are a burning fire.

I Will Dance

Your responses always bring me great comfort, supernatural peace, strength, and unspeakable joy!

In Your Presence

I long never to be away from Your Presence but to drink from the Cup You offer to me daily!

Heaven’s Gate

So venture not out each day until you know I’m by your side.

I Surrender

Forgive me for not fully recognizing that it is You in control, and not me.

Mold Me

As I lay myself upon Your altar, I will not sway from Your path.

My God

You see beyond the world’s condemnation.

Lift Up

I’ve heard your prayers I’ve heard your heart cries.

The Promise

The Newborn King arrived just as prophecy did say, His mother laid the Sacred One upon the cattle’s hay.

Holy, Holy, Holy

So celebrate not only this season but sit daily with Him face-to-face.

Walking in Favor

Listen in as Sharon Swain shares about her newest book Walking in Favor.

Kingdom Living

Saved and called according to His purposes, we walk with tenacity.


The Lamb of God will soon arrive and Father’s Will is Nigh.

Truth and Error

Is this not a time for the Church to be the pillar and ground of all truth.


Our Father’s love is so great, that His very Son He sent.

Shifting Paradigms

With each paradigm shift, we are taken further into destiny. From glory to glory, gifting and talents come forth with clarity.

Our Voices Raised

The serenading choir, all sitting on a wire, ushers in a song of love.

Come and Drink

As living water continually flows, the well never runs dry with drink.

The Portal

Live His Words in all you do, and love each one as He loves you.

Come, Stay, Go

Come and sit right by My side, this is the place for you to reside.

Believe In Yourself

The spark of the holy that is within you is where your self-confidence starts.

Wool of Deceit

The enemy has society wrapped in deceit; what some call victory is really defeat.


My life was distorted and full of compromise before I captured the fullness of life in Christ.


Amen I pray each night and day.


This enemy brainwashes, but it’s not a cleansing kind; it’s contaminated, it’s twisted and justifies the mind.