Grace that Teaches
Loosed from the devil’s hold, His grace teaches freedom.
Loosed from the devil’s hold, His grace teaches freedom.
Having begun in the Spirit, asking for wisdom, they’re drawn to its power.
Help me to never lose sight of my “first love,” You!
Let my steps be sure and strong.
Awaiting His fullness dispersed, we walk the path, the Son shining.
Once you take your place, you’ll see things begin to change.
My desire is to refine the spiritual disciplines of my life so that I might remember the way I was always meant to exist.
As sovereignty meets free will, we stay in sync with Him.
I have loved you since you drew your first breath within.
You’re marked and set apart so the lost will too believe.
Coming as the latter rain, covering the earth, His mercy extends.
Jesus’ birth was a trumpet call. A new way of doing life.
His Divine birth gave us worth now we’re forever joined as one.
They’re speaking out for Him and listening for His plan.
We are to be a sweet-smelling fragrance wherever we go, that’s His Presence going with us!
Will it be My voice and heart that you long to hear?
Reminding us, He’s never left nor forsaken us; He speaks softly.
God is all you need and you can rest.
Watering the seed with the Word, trees of righteousness appear.
Your watchful eye ever looking each time I kneel to pray.
As strongholds dissolve, righteousness spreads rapidly.
HIS Words engraved upon my heart are a burning fire.
Are you willing to bear My cross with Me?
As one body, fully equipped in all gifts, we rise in formation.
Your responses always bring me great comfort, supernatural peace, strength, and unspeakable joy!
My burdens are hushed with the brush of Your love.
Setting feet on the Mount of Olives, He’s ready to set up His throne.
I long never to be away from Your Presence but to drink from the Cup You offer to me daily!
Given gifts of the Spirit, they sow into all who come their way.
Now stands the woman of God He holds dear.
Looking to God in all things, adding perseverance to our faith, we overcome.
So venture not out each day until you know I’m by your side.
Knowing His voice leads to adventures of faith we breathe deeply.
Sit right here beside your King.
You will escort in My Glory and show the world of Me.
In quietness you’ll find sweet rest.
A spotless Lamb to redeem back man.
In battle array, they go, recovering all that the enemy stole in the fall.
You came and set me free.
Confidence and assurance brewing, healing takes hold.
Shattered dreams can be restored.
I sense Your peace, You calm me down.
Fully immersed in His Spirit, His laborers go forth mightily, reaping.
Forgive me for not fully recognizing that it is You in control, and not me.
From His throne of grace above, He pours forth from His mercy.
As I lay myself upon Your altar, I will not sway from Your path.
You see beyond the world’s condemnation.
Built together, His fullness rests upon us as His treasured stones.
I’m right at your side each step of the way.
It takes just one moment, and security is yours to hold.
Bold as a lion, fear left behind, we break the chains.
There’s nothing that can hinder Your purpose or Your plan.
Out of death, He brought life.
Putting on gentleness, patience, and peace, we abound in His love.
No longer wise in our own ways, we look to His word for answers.
I see you giving Me all of you.
Even amid trials, we delight, embracing His faithfulness.
Keep seeking Me daily.
He is the path because He is the Way.
From faith to faith, belief in this unknown path becomes clear.
In Your Word is found the way.
His presence continually gives us the strength to move onward.
I’ll make my way to our secret place that’s filled with Your Glory and Grace.
With treasures glimpsed, hope appears for what’s exposed.
I’ve heard your prayers I’ve heard your heart cries.
The Newborn King arrived just as prophecy did say, His mother laid the Sacred One upon the cattle’s hay.
So celebrate not only this season but sit daily with Him face-to-face.
Listen in as Sharon Swain shares about her newest book Walking in Favor.
Saved and called according to His purposes, we walk with tenacity.
God’s Glory shone upon Him in His straw-filled bed.
The Lamb of God will soon arrive and Father’s Will is Nigh.
He’s chosen you, child; you were hand-picked by Him.
Will it be My voice you listen to, will it be My Words you heed?
He’ll make you strong in Him, when you’re thrust out on a limb.
Is this not a time for the Church to be the pillar and ground of all truth.
One nation under Me where Light shines brightly to set captives free.
The Father’s heart is to draw all to Jesus, the only way in sight.
Sharon Swain’s insightful poetry encourages you to lean into the Truth of Who God is and the Truth of His Word.
Our Father’s love is so great, that His very Son He sent.
With vision and purpose, we’re filled with kingdom perception.
With each paradigm shift, we are taken further into destiny. From glory to glory, gifting and talents come forth with clarity.
No longer tormented by her past, she knows My Love is real and that it will last.
His Word’s a Sword you can’t afford to not take where you go.
Being diligent by rightly dividing the truth, we stand in His righteousness.
The serenading choir, all sitting on a wire, ushers in a song of love.
In You, I find my rest.
The time is now to shine your light.
As living water continually flows, the well never runs dry with drink.
I’m your Place of Rest; come away often to our Secret Place.
Live His Words in all you do, and love each one as He loves you.
Lead us in paths of righteousness that lead to Your desires.
You are redeemed and He’s calling your name.
Come and sit right by My side, this is the place for you to reside.
The spark of the holy that is within you is where your self-confidence starts.
The enemy has society wrapped in deceit; what some call victory is really defeat.
All that we will ever need is given when we take time to hear Him speak.
My life was distorted and full of compromise before I captured the fullness of life in Christ.
Amen I pray each night and day.
A voice cries out in the wind – stop and listen.
This enemy brainwashes, but it’s not a cleansing kind; it’s contaminated, it’s twisted and justifies the mind.