You are Beloved

The word BELOVED simply jumped off of that page and seared into my brain.

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Has anyone ever called you their Beloved? This word became very personal to me when I began a journey from a marriage of 21 years to the world of divorce, despair, and feeling completely unloved. The journey was difficult yet re-defining!

After I discovered my marriage was dissolving, I had to pick myself up, pull up my bootstraps and get back on the horse. It wasn’t always fun. In fact, it was downright scary and lonely. In the process, however, I discovered some new truths about myself and about God’s will for my life. A friend from church invited me to a Women’s Retreat of which I promptly and emphatically said, “NO”! She insisted and I reluctantly attended. I carried all of my baggage (my hurts, my pain, my shame) into this retreat. Needless to say, my attitude was less than pleasant.

During the first session, the speaker asked us to go to a place by ourselves and find a name that God was giving us. “Right”, I muttered under my breath. I slogged off and flippantly opened my Bible. It opened to Deuteronomy 33:12:

About Benjamin he said:

“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.”

The word BELOVED simply jumped off of that page and seared into my brain. I broke! The tears began to flow and the dam of pity, grief, loss, and pain all came flowing out.

God in His amazing wisdom knew that deep down my biggest issue was not feeling loved. He showed me that not only am I loved, but I am also BELOVED!  This was transformational for me.

Perhaps you too feel unloved, unwanted, or simply beaten up by life. I urge you to go before God and really tell Him your thoughts. He is there and He does listen. He cares so much about you down to the number of hairs on your head!

Never again do you need to feel unloved. YOU are BELOVED dear one. Claim it and begin living again!



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Dr. Paula McDonald

Featured Image by 2023852 from Pixabay


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About the Author

DR. PAULA MCDONALD brings her life-long experiences, challenges, and God moments to life to all she meets. Along with a bachelor of science degree in Biology, a Master’s, and a Ph.D. degree in Theology, Dr. McDonald speaks from authority regarding science and the Bible. Her message to LIV2DAY will inspire you to get up and keep going in the storm.

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