How to Study the Bible
When you time block time in God’s Word, you will find this time is never, ever wasted.
When you time block time in God’s Word, you will find this time is never, ever wasted.
During these times in our world of God’s truths being twisted, canceled, and destroyed, it is time for ALL believers to stand up and speak out.
For those of us with a firm belief in Jesus Christ, He is our source, our strength, and our stronghold during times like this.
Each day as you dress in your Armor, picture the hand of God squarely on your back.
As you hold the line for Christ, remember that you are never alone.
It is time to make a change rather than remaining in your “stuck-ness”.
It is time to no longer remain silent. We must be determined to stand up and stand together and say, “enough!”
Get with it and RE-spect yourself and our Lord enough to live the life you desire and one that He desires for you!
People are snapping over what appears to be unimportant issues and are losing their temper for what might appear to be a trivial matter.
When your life tank is empty and you can’t see a way out, remember to have faith that Jesus is with us no matter what.
The word BELOVED simply jumped off of that page and seared into my brain.
Yes, you are important enough to take some time to nurture your soul.
I have felt such a quickening from the Holy Spirit over the past few years that is calling believers to STAND UP, SPEAK UP, and to STAND STRONG!
If you are standing up and speaking out for Christ, expect the opposition to come against you.
I believe with all of my heart that God provides all that we need for complete wellness right here on earth.
When the gas company came out, the man said to me, “Ma’am, are you telling me that you were right next to that stovetop when it blew?”
Peter took the initiative to evade fear and he boldly got out of the boat in the middle of the sea to go to Jesus.
Are you claiming the work He has given you?
What must be broken down and removed in order to do the work God has called us to embark upon?