Spiritual Life

Christmas Is All About You!

It is about you, making yourself available at this time in history to reveal the presence and love of our Savior.

Would You Recognize Him?

If we saw the evidence of His return, would we notice or would we pass it off as that radical Christianity stuff?

Our Father’s Delights

The religious duties performed in our churches once a week are no better than the duties of the Pharisees to impress others.

Jesus is Alive in 2025

Many prodigals who have strayed will be coming back home, and others will discover the ministry of what The LORD has ordained them to do.

Our Inheritance

It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, you need to be prepared to pass your baton!

The Deeper Kind of Insight

Living a life of faith requires that we shed the things the world considers important to embrace what is important to God.


This message is an in-depth understanding of how we were created to give PRAISE to the LORD, how PRAISE will equip us during our most difficult challenges, and how PRAISE is one of the greatest weapons that we can use against the enemy.

The Hermeneutic of Beauty

A hermeneutic of beauty — one predicated on a grateful perspective, appreciative of everything as a gift.

Love Is Not a Know It All

While accurate details may be necessary in a court of law, they generally don’t matter in casual conversations with friends.

Beware of Deceit

Individuals and churches have been deceived by cleverly orchestrated words to lead people into actions against God’s word.

The Anointing

We must become passionate about what HE is passionate for.

Joyful at Christmas?

The cross invalidated the devil’s work and annulled his power so completely as to destroy him. 

Being Honest With Ourselves

We are not called to live by our human reasoning, but we live in a world that is very much void of a Godly perspective in these last days.

The Mindset of Christ

The mindset of Christ chooses to serve through humility and love rather than justice and self-righteousness. 

When Christmas Looks Different

I can’t help but think maybe He is stripping away the worldly trappings of this season so I can focus on what really matters.

A Surrendered Mind

Peace (shâlôm) means to be happy, healthy, rested, and secure in God our Father.

Time to Shift the Weight

You are to become the weight of His glory and power over those things that have been burdening you.

Mission Creep

One purpose of the early creeds of the Church was to hold people to the foundational truths of their faith.

Lamp of His Word

Reformers laid down their lives in a bloody spiritual war to get the written Word of God in the hands of everyday people in their own language.

Christmas Confession

More than ever, I understand that shadows are evident because His Light still shines in the darkness.

On His Heart

How does one even comprehend that the King of Glory has His eyes fixed upon us?


His Divine birth gave us worth now we’re forever joined as one.

MAKE LIFE MATTER: Embracing Diversity of a Different Kind – with Dr. Oletha Barnett

Heated arguments between keyboard warriors, “unfriending” family or friends who believe differently than us, and wars on the international stage—our world is full of conflict. Dr. Oletha Barnett believes God created diversity far beyond race and that He designed diversity, which can often lead to conflict, to grow us, and give us opportunities to practice biblical principles. Through that, we can find unity.

A Wider Prophetic Picture

It is the release of God’s love and His promised provision that we will prophesy when natural systems begin to fail.

Sermon: For God So Loved the World

We step over the line and move from head-knowledge to heart-knowledge, from being born of water in the natural to being born again in the Spirit.


This message is an in-depth understanding of how we were created to give PRAISE to the LORD, how PRAISE will equip us during our most difficult challenges, and how PRAISE is one of the greatest weapons that we can use against the enemy.

The Unity of Time

Time, itself, is an inadequate descriptor of who God is and what He is doing.

Denying Christ In Actions

You must be willing to ask yourself if the actions you are doing show your belief in God or deny your belief in God.

The Peril of a Tidy Faith

If we get too tidy and limiting in our expression of faith, we will not expect the power of God to come.