Your Lane
Keep your focus.
Keep your focus.
Stay connected.
Allow God to help you heal.
Speak life.
Listen in as Dr. Warner talks about the importance of building joyful social connection with elders and how healthy multigenerational community and toxic, and/or secretive multigenerational communities look very much the same but produce polar opposite results.
Your faithfulness is abundant.
Alignment with God.
Once you take your place, you’ll see things begin to change.
Hold on to hope.
If you want to fulfill everything that God has called you to do, you must listen intently and obey quickly every time God speaks.
Don’t miss the growth.
Trust God.
Dr. Warner gives incredible insight into his own personal journey to becoming an elder in his own right. What he shares is critical for all of us to hear today.
I am safe.
Focus on God.
God gets to our destination before we do. Yet, He brings up the rear as we make our way there.
Celebrate with God.
Diligently seek Him.
In Him, I have intimacy my heart craves, joy even in trouble, and peace that makes no sense.
He is your source.
“I am looking to make all relationships permanent…Whatever we grow together, I want to make sure that it is something we can keep and we can use as an example for other people on how they should live their lives.” — Dr. Jim Wilder
Walking in obedience.
Do what you can do.
I have loved you since you drew your first breath within.
God is leading you.
If you’ve been longing for a fresh encounter with the Lord, here are a few practical ways to empty yourself and let God fill you.
Purity and unity of His bride.
Our greatest gift.
“The kingdom of God; we know it’s here when Predators or changed into protectors. That is the key sign of transformation. ” Dr. Jim Wilder
Into our chaos-filled world entered the Prince of Peace.
By stepping into our world Jesus demonstrated His limitless love for us.
Our savior King has brought us peace and joy!
Truth in love.
Our childlike innocence allows us to hear the word of the Lord.
Cause for both gratitude and joy.
Think on this.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin this conversation and this series with Dr. Jim Wilder, neurotheologian, psychologist, and author whose groundbreaking work in relational brain science has shaped the way we understand community, joy, and emotional health and the reason Table and Well is doing the work they are.
Glory to You.
Making a difference.
How does one even comprehend that the King of Glory has His eyes fixed upon us?
In Him.
His Divine birth gave us worth now we’re forever joined as one.
No matter who we are or how well we have it or how spiritually mature we are, we all need a shepherd.
Eyes on Him.
Finding humor in life.
In this episode, they explore what happens when people are placed into the position of elder before they are mature enough to be there. When you look across the landscape of the Christian world, you see this everywhere.
He is worthy.
Process with God.
As you press deeper into God… let the narrowing of the way bring focus, intimacy, and sacrifice to your worship.
You are not alone.
He will guide you.
His gift.
Elders need to have a community to belong to and be recognized by that community. There is a fundamental need for elders.
You are our Shepherd.
Filled in His presence.
A privilege and blessing.
We are to be a sweet-smelling fragrance wherever we go, that’s His Presence going with us!
When I see the love of the Father, when I experience it and remember it, no sin or earthly indulgence captivates me more than His love does.
Watch and see.
Put down your devices, close your eyes, and come away. Gaze into the Eyes of Fire.
His arms are open to you.
God has transformed me from a girl with a religion to a woman who passionately seeks to know and love Him.
The Elder stage of Maturity is the most crucial and least reached stage of maturity. Without True Elders in our community, we fail to know who we are and how it is for us, as humans, to act.
Trusting in Him.
Walk in abundance.
Cultivate your prayer life, the Word of The Lord, your worship, and your praise to the Living God.
God is for you.
Be expectant.
God knows your heart.
Join Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their journey through the Parent stage.
Rest in His goodness.
God created us in His image and likeness to have communion with Him, and He invites us to be united with Him.
The Lord is always at work for those with eyes to see, even as this life is unraveling.
Speaking truth.
Trust your Shepherd.
Will it be My voice and heart that you long to hear?
The path is opening up.
We cease striving to be something and we sit at His feet.
Today I bring a powerful friend on the podcast. I met Annette Biggers when we lived in Redding, CA, and the anointing of this woman, entrepreneur, creative, and minister impacts me every time we chat. I believe you will find yourself rising to new levels of glory as you listen to what she has to share today.
It is God’s love, not our actions, which causes Him to act graciously toward us.
Bold in Him.
You will know you are at the parent stage when you can sacrificially care for your children or the next generation without resenting the sacrifice with joy or expecting to receive anything for your efforts.
Please lead me.
Many are hurting.
Find your place of focused solitude, whether it’s on a rock in the woods or in a closet in your house.
Stay close.
God is all you need and you can rest.
He is for you.
Make a difference.
In this episode, listen in as Tennison and Ginelle dig deep into the parent stage tasks that need to be completed by all in this stage to be fully mature. There is work that we must do on this journey to maturity. Continue the Journey!
Help me to love well.
Submit your day to Him.
Weapon of peace.
HE’S not just a serious God, HE’S also a joyful God and Father.
Tune into His voice.
Today, Karen McAdams and I talk about getting free from false identities and shame so we can be who our Father created us to be. Stay tuned to the end when Karen leads us into a powerful encounter with Jesus.
Walk worthy.
Discover the needs that every parent will need from their community to be fully mature in this stage. Just like every stage, you fully mature over time.
Ever-present help.