The Day that They Wed

Now stands the woman of God He holds dear.

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Her eyes are lit

Shining with glory

As she stands before her Groom

On her Wedding morning.


She’s radiant with love

For this Man by her side

Knowing finally for all time

It’s with Him, she’ll abide.


She thinks back to all

It took to get here

And rejoices in knowing

There’s no longer fear.


Each step she’s taken

Has been part of the Plan

To bring them here

Before The Father to stand.


No longer do

The harsh memories bring pain

Instead The Father is pouring

On her healing rain.


She takes on

A brand new shape

As she now stands as

The woman of God, He’d create.


Gone is the little girl

Who walked in fear

Now stands the woman of God

He holds dear.


She feels new strength

Surging within

And knows it because

She’s now joined to Him.


Suddenly her eyes

Are opened to see

This woman of God

She was created to be.


It takes her breath away

To see the beauty within

She is humbled by this Love

Given from Him.


The vows have been said

Their lives sealed together

She takes hold of His hand

Knowing it’s forever.


As they take their first step

Into the New Land

She looks at Him tenderly and smiles

Caressing His hand.


What a beautiful life

Lies ahead

For this Bridegroom and Bride

On this Day that they wed.



Let us rejoice and shout for joy! Let us give Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb has come [at last] and His bride (the redeemed) has prepared herself.”

Featured Image by Omar Medina from Pixabay
The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Naomi Krstinic is a Kingdom creative, gifted in writing and art. Naomi is passionate about family, ministry, and writing what the Lord shares from His heart to hers. Though Naomi has education in ministry and serving, she believes nothing can take the place of deeply rooted intimacy with the Lord. She continues to be passionate about her writing and finds great joy in spending time daily with the Lord to hear what He longs to share with His children. She has a deep desire to reach out to those who are hurting with God's Love. She believes it is important to remind others that they are loved, valued, and appreciated by God and by her. She has already co-authored a devotional with her poetry. She is blessed to be a part of this wonderful collective at Kingdom Winds and excited for what the future holds. She prays that those who read her writings will be blessed, touched, and inspired to go deeper in Him, and to always know that they do not walk alone.

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