Jacqueline Franks

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: What Can a Gentle Detox Do for Your Body? Real-Life TRS Testimonies

In this podcast, hear testimonies from those whose life and health have been changed through gently detoxifying their bodies using TRS. Hear testimonies from those with Auto-Immune Diseases, Thyroid Issues, Type 2 Diabetes, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Vaccine Damage. Also, learn about TRS during pregnancy, childbirth, and with babies. Listen now!

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Answers to Homeschooling - with Israel Wayne (Part 2)

Join us as we speak with Israel Wayne (FamilyRenewal.org) and address questions you or your family members may have about homeschooling. Listen to part two of a two-part series.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Answers to Homeschooling - with Israel Wayne (Part 1)

Join us as we speak with Israel Wayne (FamilyRenewal.org) and address questions you or your family members may have about homeschooling. Listen to part one of a two-part series.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: How to Encourage Breastfeeding as a Culture

Jacque's heart is breaking for our culture, where 4 out of 5 mothers use a bottle rather than breastfeeding. In this episode, we talk about the need to return to supporting the beauty of breastfeeding.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Exciting Homeopathic Breakthrough for "The Great Flu" + Remedies New Mom's Can Start With!

Join Anne in part two of our homeopathic conversation, where she shares how we can be prepared for the next wave of colds and flu. Hear the story of her husband's sickness due to shedding. Plus, what are a few remedies that those that are just starting their homeopathic journey should begin to have on hand?

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: One Mom's Journey and Resources for Those Who Want to Care for Their Family!

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Homeopathy for My Family - Colic, Bladder Infection, Grief and More

With growing concerns in the world, costs rising, and major supply chain issues, Jacque is proactively learning about homeopathy with the goal of being more independent of the allopathic medical system. One of Jacque's desires as a grandmother with a growing family is to have confident young moms and ready remedies if there is no doctor.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: One Woman’s Life Altering Adverse Reaction to the Vaccine

Listen to the story of one young woman who was perfectly healthy before she had her Gardasil vaccine. Her journey and story as her health declined and she was diagnosed with Lyme is a warning to us of the importance of research.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Hidden Dangers of Bras - with Sydney Ross Singer

Join us as we have a frank and informative discussion with Sydney Ross Singer (author of Dressed To Kill) on the dangers of the modern bra and other tight clothing.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Filling the Rooms of Home Education - with Linda Lacour Hobar

Following the word picture of a well-built house, home education needs 1) a strong foundation 2) a working frame, and 3) multiple rooms to fill.  What do we fill the rooms with? Knowledge!

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Relaxed Homeschooling - with Kelly Crawford

Join us as we talk to Kelly Crawford, a homeschooling mom of 11, about the relaxed homeschooling approach.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Dr. Jana's Favorite Natural Remedies and Medicine Cabinet Essentials! (Part 2)

Learn Dr. Jana's favorite children's remedies and medicine cabinet essentials for various ailments, acute or chronic. This is part two of two parts.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Dr. Jana's Favorite Natural Remedies and Medicine Cabinet Essentials!

Learn Dr. Jana's favorite children's remedies and medicine cabinet essentials for a wide variety of ailments, acute or chronic.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: The Gut/Brain Connection - with Dr. Jana Joshu Grimm

Learn more about the fascinating link between gut health and the brain. Dr Jana Joshu Grimm shares her wisdom with us.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Women's Health - with Julie Formby (Part 2)

Join us as we talk with Julie Formby about women's health and all the fun things that go along with it. In this and part two of the podcast, we talk about PMS, sleep, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, anemia, menopause, and much, much more. A must-listen for women of all ages.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Women's Health - with Julie Formby (Part 1)

Join us as we talk with Julie Formby about women's health and all the fun things that go along with it. In this and part two of the podcast, we talk about PMS, sleep, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, anemia, menopause, and much, much more. A must-listen for women of all ages.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Telemedicine Today - Hope Amidst Our Current Health Care System (with Dr Jana Grimm)

In this episode, we talk with Dr. Jana Grimm about her telehealth practice. Dr. Jana is on a mission to educate, inspire, and equip as many people as possible to get healthy and pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: The Mental Health and Wellness of Public School Children - with Tiffany Boyd

Tiffany Boyd (founder of http://www.freeyourchildren.com) shares about the mental state of public school children and what happens to them when they struggle. Our children are vulnerable and must be protected! This is a crucial episode for every parent to hear.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Preparing Our Children to be a One Income Family in a Two Income World

Join us as we talk with Nicki Truesdell about how we can best prepare our children to have a one-income family even when we are in a two-income world. Listen and be encouraged!

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: The Secrets to a Happy Marriage

Learn wisdom from women like Ruth Bell Graham about the secrets to a happy marriage.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Electromagnetic fields, 5G, Smart Meters, and Baby Monitors

Learn about hidden dangers within your own home and what you can do about it.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Our Adoption Story (Part 2) - with Tricia Goyer

When God put it on Tricia's heart to adopt, she never would have imagined she would be a mother of ten kids one day (7 of whom were adopted.) Hear Tricia's amazing testimony of how God brought together their beautiful family.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Our Adoption Story (Part 1) - with Tricia Goyer

When God put it on Tricia's heart to adopt, she never would have imagined she would be a mother of ten kids one day (7 of whom were adopted.) Hear Tricia's amazing testimony of how God brought together their beautiful family.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Intro to Homeopathy and How It’s Helped Our Family

Learn how Jacque is using homeopathy to help her family, from shingles to depression, to many other uses that can replace standard allopathic medicine.