Erin Olson

THE DEPOT PODCAST: What Do You Do When God Changes Your Plan While Living on Mission? - with Earl Hammons

In today’s episode, Erin speaks with Earl Hammons, missionary in the Dominican Republic, about all that he is doing in the Dominican Republic, how each of us can be encouragers to our pastors, what God has in store for him and his ministry in 2022, and how we can pray for him, his family, the pastors and their families, and the people of the Domi...

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Do You Feel Called to Podcast? - Interview with Misty Phillip of Spark Media

Practical Ways To Get Started Using Your Voice—In this episode, Erin Olson interviews Misty Phillip of Spark Media about podcasts and being faithful and courageous in what God is asking each one of us to do.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Discussing Heroin, Heartache, and Hope - Interview with Kathryn Inman, Author of Counting Spoons

In today's episode, Erin Olson will be discussing heroin, heartache, and hope with Kathryn Inman, author of Counting Spoons. Counting Spoons: A Memoir of Heroin, Heartache, and Hope is Kathryn's debut book which will be available in January or February 2022.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Are You Out Of Context

It is easy to take things out of context in this fast-paced world. However, as Christians, it is important that we live a life in context.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Are You Waiting or Are You Looking?

There is a difference between waiting and looking. In this episode, Erin Olson discusses the importance of knowing the difference not just in your own life, but in the lives of others.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Are You Ready to Die?

In this episode, Erin Olson recounts a recent experience where she had to ask herself this question, “Are you ready to die?” Death is inevitable, and it is all around us. We can’t avoid it, but we must address it.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: It's All About the Spread of the Gospel (Acts 28)

Our goal as Christians is not to build our name or fortunes, but to share His name with those who need Him. This last chapter of Acts reminds us that our lives are not about us, but all about Him.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Saved by the Sandbar (Acts 27)

Paul, under the supervision of a centurion and aided by a couple of his friends, is put on a ship to Rome. Along the way, the ship encounters a horrible Nor’easter and is battered and broken. Miraculously, everyone survives. Paul received a message from the Lord during the storm about the preservation of life.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: If You Were Put on Trial Today, What Would the Charges Be? (Acts 24, 25 and 26)

Think of a time you were “put on trial” even though there were no charges against you and/or you were not found guilty of doing anything wrong other than being a Christian. What was the outcome?

THE DEPOT PODCAST: God Is In Control of All of Life’s Events (Acts 23)

Acts 23 exposes us to humanity, humility, and hope. Key verse – verse 11: “The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, ‘Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must go and also testify in Rome.’”

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Obedience Can Lead to Pain and Suffering

In chapters 21 and 22, we see Paul heading to Jerusalem against the advice of the disciples. Paul wasn’t being disobedient to the Holy Spirit nor was he being disrespectful to the disciples. Paul simply knew the Holy Spirit wanted him to go to Jerusalem despite the fact he would endure pain and suffering.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Are You a Leader, Follower or a Combination of Both (Acts 20)

In this week's episode, Erin Olson continues her teaching in the book of Acts chapter 20. Leaders and followers are not mutually exclusive but rather are dependent upon one another. Paul explains what it means to be a church leader in this chapter and provides an example to follow even still today.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Do Not Be Concerned If the Evil Spirits Know Your Name Because…Son

In this episode, Erin Olson continues her teaching in the book of Acts. In Chapter 19, evil spirits are confronted. Sometimes, we get worried that evil spirits know who we are, but we shouldn’t. If evil spirits know who you are, it means you are doing work that penetrates the darkness.  

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Doing the Important Work of the Gospel Allows Us Opportunities to Meet People Who Will Impact Us in Many Ways

As we navigate life, many people will come across our paths that influence us as we influence others. Stay true and focused on your calling and your gifting, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Defining Fulfillment Impacts Your Pursuit of Purpose and Risk Taking (Acts 17)

In this episode, Erin Olson continues her series on the book of Acts. Her guest host this week is Canaan Chapman discussing Acts 17.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: What You Do Now Will Affect Future Generations (Acts 16)

The choices we make today will impact the Gospel going forward. Sometimes it is the big things, and sometimes it is just the everyday things we do or don't do that people take notice of.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus (Acts 15)

By keeping our eyes on Jesus, we remember the Gospel is always worth fighting for because people's eternity is at stake.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Is All That You Do Worth It? (Acts 14)

Facing persecution, including harassment and stoning, was something the early disciples experienced. Yet, they didn't let any of it stop them from sharing the Good News. They persevered at all costs because everything they did for the Gospel was worth it. Every life, every healing, every miracle, every new church birthed...all of it was worth it be...

THE DEPOT PODCAST: The Holy Spirit Knows Who He Sends You To, But Do You Know Your Audience?

The Holy Spirit is capable of doing many things and He often leads us to others who need to know about salvation. Being able to discern the Holy Spirit is critical as well as knowing Scripture. It is also important to know who your audience is because everyone will respond to different things.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Never Stop Praying and Believing God Will Move (Acts 12)

We sometimes wrongly believe that the outcome is always reliant upon our prayers. This just isn't true. Our prayers matter to God, yes, but whether He answers them the way we want them answered or not, He gets to decide the outcome. Be an active, prayerful participant. You just never know how God is going to move.

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Confident Obedience Defends Itself (Acts 11)

Sometimes fellow believers will come at you because of something you have done that they don't like. Instead of arguing with them, especially if it is something you feel God has called you to do and you were acting out of obedience, simply replay the entire situation for them. Let your words and the Spirit work in their hearts. You never know what ...

THE DEPOT PODCAST: If God Has No Favorites, Neither Should You (Acts 10)

"Is God softening your heart toward a certain person or people, and most importantly, are you listening? This week's episode discusses a pivotal moment in church history...the birth of the Gentile church because two men allowed the Holy Spirit to do a work in their hearts and obeyed when they were told to do something."

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Even if God’s Name Isn’t Mentioned…

But God — even if He is never mentioned in the book of Esther, was at work. What looked like doom for the people of God turned into a victory that is still celebrated to this day by the Jewish people. How amazing is that?

THE DEPOT PODCAST: Have You Accepted the Call God Has Given? (Acts 9)

When we begin to acknowledge that all calls are important for Kingdom work, we begin to allow the Spirit to tenderize our hearts for our brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as those who need to hear the Gospel.