I want to share with you a very powerful prophetic word that I believe will help you not only in this season but in the new era of the Kingdom we are living in as the body of Christ. When the Lord first began speaking to me about this it was one of the most powerful times that I’ve had with the Lord in years.
In one of our corporate prayer meetings, I heard the word, “Mysteries.” It was the only word I heard for a little while so I just started you praying into it. As I continued to pray, the Lord kept revealing things to me about the mysteries of God and the Kingdom. As I have prayed over and studied this word, I have sensed from the Lord that He wants people to understand and dive into these mysteries so that we may manifest them, live them out, and be able to teach on them.
Because of the infinite nature of God, we will be searching Him out for all eternity. We will never be able to fully comprehend or exhaust God’s eternal glory. However, I believe that there are at least 7 mysteries of God that the Lord has been revealing to me that will change your life forever.
1. The Mystery of Divine Vision
When you have divine vision you are completely aligned with the prophetic destiny and purpose God has for you. Those who live with divine vision are not swayed by natural circumstances or natural logic. One of the most powerful things God spoke to me was when He told me that nothing He would ever call me to do would make any sense and that I shouldn’t waste time trying to figure it out.
We are called to do the impossible and the only way to do that is to walk by faith, not by sight. Do you have a prophetic word over your life, ministry, business, family, finances, and health? When you have divine vision you base all of the decisions and thoughts about every area of your life on the word of God. When we have divine vision we are not moved to the right or to the left. Instead, we remain completely aligned with God Almighty and His kingdom purpose for us.
2. The Mystery of the Seed
Why is it that most Christians hate either teaching or hearing teaching on money? I believe it is because they do not have a proper understanding of the mystery of the seed. The mystery of the seed operates within the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping. Whatever seeds we sow, we will eventually reap. When you understand what the word of God says about sowing seed, you will love when the people of God and churches teach on the seed. You will also walk in abundance and prosperity when you understand this mystery. The Bible says that a wise man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children. God intends and desires for His people to be sowers and reapers who live with an abundance mentality.
3. The Mystery of Angels
It has always been astounding to me how little the church talks about the working of angels when the New Testament is full of angelic activity. Many churches and believers ignore the importance of the angelic hosts. Hebrews 1:14 says, “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” In the New Testament, we see angels accompanying Jesus. They instruct both Mary and Joseph before His birth. Angels are present at His birth, resurrection, and many times throughout the book of Acts. They both help and appear to not only the apostles but to many new believers.
4. The Mystery of Gratitude
One of my wife’s favorite quotes is that gratitude welcomes miracles. In our family, we start every single day with gratitude. We have made it a practice to begin our days thanking God for who He is and for every single good thing He has given to us. Psalm 100:4-5 says, “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, And into his courts with praise: Be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; And his truth endureth to all generations.” Many people do not experience the fullness of what God has for them because they do not practice gratitude. When you begin to shift your perspective from what you do not have to what you do have to be thankful for it invites the goodness of God into our lives in a greater way.
5. The Mystery of Divine Connection
Many people do not understand the immense power of running with the right people. If I were to explain this mystery very simply it would be to do life with the people God has called for you to align with. In order for you to walk in your purpose and destiny, you must be connected to the right people at the right time. I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “Some people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Proper alignment with the right people in the right season will unlock so many things in your life. It will also keep you from becoming offended as some people you were once connected with exit your life. If God removes someone from your life He always has a kingdom alignment waiting for you in your next season. Jesus called His 12 disciples to Himself for proper alignment. He did this in order to teach them of the kingdom and send them out in divine connection with Him and each other.
6. The Mystery of Divine Placement and Positioning
It is more important now than ever before that you are at the right place at the right time with the right people. The right place is the mystery of divine placement and positioning. Many people miss out on what God has for them because they become stuck in a place where they cannot grow. You need to be willing to follow the voice of the Lord into new seasons and often this means shifting from one church or ministry to another place as God leads you.
I graduated from a university with a degree but in order to get that diploma I started in Kindergarten at an elementary school and went from one grade and teacher to the next until finally I received that college degree. It is the same way in the Kingdom. Over the course of your life, you will need to glean and learn from many different voices in different seasons. You may need to move cities or churches in different seasons in order to be in the divine placement and positioning God has for you. As with anything, be led by the Holy Spirit and pay attention to His voice in the place of prayer as you navigate each season.
7. The Mystery of Divine Timing
One of the biggest problems in the body of Christ is that many people do not have discernment of God’s timing. Some receive a prophetic word and then try to manifest it before its proper time. Others receive a prophetic word and do nothing with it and end up wasting years of their lives “waiting on God” when in fact He is waiting on them. Each promise from God comes to pass through a process. When you understand and discern the divine timing of God you will know when to wait and pray and when to act in faith. As a child of God, you know His voice. However, you must walk with Him daily in order to stay right in step with the divine timing of the Lord.
These seven mysteries of God have the power to shift everything in your life. When you start to understand these 7 mysteries you will live a more complete, and fulfilled life aware of the kingdom and God in this day and age. I want to encourage you to study these mysteries with Scripture. Dig in deeper with God about these mysteries in the place of prayer and in the Word of God. Don’t let this just be another good prophetic word to you. Let this become a revelation that defines your life and launches you into your divine purpose and destiny with God!
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Joe Joe Dawson
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