
Prayers Brought Before God

Bring your needs before God in prayer knowing that He will hear them and answer them according to His will.

The Obedience of Faith

Many continue to serve their own desires and pleasures, rather than serving the principles and purposes of God.

Like a Tree

God is not only the originating source of life but also the sustaining source of it, as well.

Describing God

While many different words can be used to describe God, holy is one that covers everything

Sweet Revenge

Even as the wicked sprout like grass, and thrive, they’re doomed! 

Sermon: The Life of Faith

Walking by faith will lead us, in God’s timing, to the full experience of that which has been previously unseen (in the natural realm).

The Power of Silence

Silence is the weapon the Lord will use to reveal our trust in Him and release what He has planned for our lives.

Do Not Fear Suffering

The more you stand for Christ and God’s principles of living, the more the world will rise up against you.

Arousing Hell

Whenever Jesus is preached as Lord, Savior, and Deliverer, His presence will interfere with the plans of evil.

Do You Have God?

Make the choice today to obey all of God’s commands and live by His standards.

Practicing Righteousness

Children of God are revealed to the world when they practice righteousness, doing what is right in the eyes of God.

Return Blessing for Evil

Being filled with and showing the love of Christ will give the believer strength to pour out blessings who have done them wrong.

Rise Of The Cartesian Trans-Human

The future portends a world where body part upgrades will reach a tipping point where the definition of what makes us human will likely become an open debate.

Keep Doing Good

It is difficult when one is going through pain and suffering in order to move forward.

A Marked People

Our alignment with Jesus will be met by threats from hell that want to destroy our faith in Him, and at times, even our lives.

Inexpressible Joy

Life is filled with trouble, pain, and suffering, but with Jesus, there is a joy that cannot be expressed.

The Members

When Paul talks about the church, he maintains a curious equilibrium between individuality and unity.

Sermon: The Lord’s Prayer Part 3

The key to prayer on our part lies in these three things: thanksgiving, faith in God’s provision, and seeking above all, the Kingdom of God.

Why the World Hates Us

Only those who have remained in the Lord and understand His love will know how to respond properly to the hatred.

Nobody To Somebody

You are no longer just a person in this world, but a child of God, an important person in God’s eternal kingdom.

No Grumbling

It is easy to look at something and find fault with it.

Define “Good”

A declaration of God’s love in the morning means a prayerfully spoken anticipation of it before the day even begins. 

Reassessing the Wind

Instead of chasing after the winds of human success and status, we are called to chase after the wind of God’s Spirit.

Critical Thinking Skills

Remember 1 Peter 3:15-16, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”

The Path of Life: Vanities

We must turn our eyes away from the world’s vanities to the truly beautiful things of the Kingdom of God.

Sermon: The Immersed Life

All day, every day, we are baptized in repentance and constantly re-aligning ourselves to His ways and to His Kingdom.

Making the Most of Our Time

As in the Parable of the Talents, we are not to bury our talents, but to use them, no matter how great or how small.

Are You a Co-Worker?

Be the co-worker that does the job that needs to be done and builds others up at the same time.

Heir By Grace

Being an heir to what God is offering has eternal value.