Seeing the God Who Sees
Put your trust in Him and open your eyes to seeing Him and what He is doing in your life.
Put your trust in Him and open your eyes to seeing Him and what He is doing in your life.
Navigating life’s challenges with faith is at the heart of our discussion, emphasizing how choosing God’s path can lead to unexpected blessings and hope even amidst adversity.
Join Outreach Church, led by Pastor Roy Geesey, for an encouraging message.
What God said to Moses and the Israelites applies to all of God’s people: Be strong and courageous.
In this episode, I discuss some types of relationships people have with the Lord, the kind He wants, hindrances to intimacy and benefits of a deep, intimate and abiding relationship that will satisfy your deepest needs and longings…the kind you were created for!
There will be pressure all around you to be like the world and follow the idols of this world.
Pastor Nathan emphasizes the importance of being both ministry consumers and providers and urges listeners to respond to God’s calling, even when it is uncomfortable.
Bring your needs before God in prayer knowing that He will hear them and answer them according to His will.
Do not put your trust in this world or in yourself, both will fail you in the end.
The opposition of God—His resistance—is a serious matter, but the arrogant are blind to this.
Our latest episode of the Jamie Luce podcast invites you to explore the transformative power of following divine guidance in every facet of life, from family and marriage to career and spiritual growth.
The aroma of Christ is not just so we can smell good but to get attention, and to make a difference.
Receive faith to contend for all that God has put inside you. Stir up the gifts, revive dead dreams, and press through to reignite Holy fire. Take all the arrows, strike the ground, and stake the claim!
Many continue to serve their own desires and pleasures, rather than serving the principles and purposes of God.
The name above every other name.
His death on the cross was not just for a select small group of people.
In this sermon, Pastor Douglas encourages believers to delve into revival history and engage deeply with the Word of God. He underscores the importance of maturing in one’s prayer life, progressing from personal prayers to interceding for others.
God is not only the originating source of life but also the sustaining source of it, as well.
While many different words can be used to describe God, holy is one that covers everything
As believers look at this world and how horrible things can be, it can be difficult to keep believing God’s word.
Anytime any of us, even those God has called, refocus our worship away from Him, we sin.
What if you could unwrap the promises of God like an unused bank account, radically transforming your life? This finale of our series on living in God’s presence dives deep into the essence of Psalm 15, revealing what it truly means to dwell with the divine.
Even as the wicked sprout like grass, and thrive, they’re doomed!
Join Outreach Church, led by Pastor Roy Geesey, for an encouraging message.
Walking by faith will lead us, in God’s timing, to the full experience of that which has been previously unseen (in the natural realm).
The Door is opened, for the Spirit of the Lord wants you to see what is happening as He sees it, to hear His voice, and receive His divine strategies to move forward in His authority, have victory in your life, and bring His Kingdom to the earth!
Silence is the weapon the Lord will use to reveal our trust in Him and release what He has planned for our lives.
The more you stand for Christ and God’s principles of living, the more the world will rise up against you.
Pastor Joe Wegert discusses the transition from witnessing God’s power and miracles to actively trusting and participating in His mission.
Each individual believer has one’s own story as to what they have seen God do and heard from Him.
What if living a truly blameless life could transform your actions, relationships, and even your purpose?
Whenever Jesus is preached as Lord, Savior, and Deliverer, His presence will interfere with the plans of evil.
The Door is opened, for the Spirit of the Lord wants you to see what is happening as He sees it, to hear His voice, and receive His divine strategies to move forward in His authority, have victory in your life, and bring His Kingdom to the earth!
This piece of armor embodies the active pursuit of righteousness that defines the believer’s life.
Make the choice today to obey all of God’s commands and live by His standards.
The sermon explores how true Christian prayer aligns with God’s will and resists becoming a mere routine. Reviving this form of genuine prayer could spark widespread spiritual renewal.
Hope is nowhere to be found in the world outside of Christ Jesus.
This episode encourages us to cover our lives and relationships with love and encouragement, ultimately nurturing more meaningful connections with those around us.
Only love can motivate us to persevere to do what it takes, loving Him above all else, even ourselves.
You can rely on God’s faithfulness, righteousness, justice, and, of course, His unfailing love.
Jesus is here to transform our heart – to completely change us from the inside out, and He does that by the Person, presence, ministry, and power of the Holy Spirit.
Arise and be aligned to the reality that you are seated in Christ in heavenly places – today. Receive vision and faith to see yourself as one with Him and be equipped to move forward in His authority in your life!
As we navigate our own journeys, we can take heart that Jesus, too, walked a challenging path.
I believe we will not reap the blessings God has for us if we withhold that which God so graciously and undeservingly gives us.
Children of God are revealed to the world when they practice righteousness, doing what is right in the eyes of God.
The church has tried to find its Identity in its giftings and its callings more than actually in Jesus Christ Himself.
Pastor Mike emphasizes the need for believers to commit themselves to the truth of the Bible and avoid doctrines influenced by worldly desires.
Being filled with and showing the love of Christ will give the believer strength to pour out blessings who have done them wrong.
Obedience to God’s Word involves the rejection of everything contrary to it.
Someone from our nice middle-class neighborhood had performed an evil ceremony.
Listen in as we explore the art of living in God’s presence, focusing on the practices drawn from Psalm 15 that enhance our relationship with the divine.
Join Outreach Church, led by Pastor Roy Geesey, for an encouraging message.
Spiritual authority does not come by knowing our authority in Christ as much as it does by knowing His authority in us.
The future portends a world where body part upgrades will reach a tipping point where the definition of what makes us human will likely become an open debate.
We must get back to the mandate – the commission – what He’s called us to do.
Identify hindrances and strongholds that stop you, and let the Holy Spirit stir you to awaken so that you can move forward into the new things God has for you!
The war that ensues as His Kingdom advances requires protective equipment and weapons.
It is difficult when one is going through pain and suffering in order to move forward.
Our alignment with Jesus will be met by threats from hell that want to destroy our faith in Him, and at times, even our lives.
Pastor Nathan calls for an intentional and heartfelt encounter with Christ, urging believers to find joy in their relationship with Him.
Life is filled with trouble, pain, and suffering, but with Jesus, there is a joy that cannot be expressed.
Rather than envying another’s journey, focus on honing your own skills and deepening your relationship with God.
Let us be vigilant and diligent to pray and seek the Lord before we open our mouths in prophecy as we don’t want to bring destruction in the body.
Those who don’t retaliate when they’re attacked, betrayed, contravened, desecrated, or exploited are blessed.
Jesus made a similar observation when he saw the crowds. He described them as sheep without a shepherd, confused and helpless.
This is an episode about overcoming personal struggles and finding the will to set faith-based goals as opposed to chasing fantasies.
When Paul talks about the church, he maintains a curious equilibrium between individuality and unity.
Now that we are at the end of this age, we can see how accurately history was predicted in the book of Revelation.
Do you trust God beyond natural reasoning?
If we find ourselves building our lives for selfish reasons, these efforts will ultimately be revealed as fleeting and insubstantial.
The key to prayer on our part lies in these three things: thanksgiving, faith in God’s provision, and seeking above all, the Kingdom of God.
Only those who have remained in the Lord and understand His love will know how to respond properly to the hatred.
You are no longer just a person in this world, but a child of God, an important person in God’s eternal kingdom.
In this sermon, Pastor Nathan explores the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Through personal anecdotes and powerful biblical references, he emphasizes the importance of becoming fully devoted followers of Christ by looking up to Him, understanding His grace, and embracing the ultimate love shown on the cross.
It is easy to look at something and find fault with it.
The enemy lies, deceives, discourages, misleads, and betrays to separate us from God’s highest calling and true fulfillment.
As we step into 2025, this episode promises to change your perspective on the virtue of patience and the significance of waiting on God’s perfect timing.
Understanding what it means to become His bondservant is essential to understanding this vision.
The kingdom is brought to us through the whole counsel of God and through the indwelling, power, and presence of the Holy Spirit.
In this episode, I share what I heard from the Spirit of the Lord regarding what is necessary to move forward and possess new ground as pure vessels, carriers of His precious and costly anointing.
Take your eyes off of yourself and put them upon God.
Through examining passages from Isaiah, Zechariah, and Luke, Pastor Nathan discusses the distinction between worldly peace and the divine peace offered by Christ.
A declaration of God’s love in the morning means a prayerfully spoken anticipation of it before the day even begins.
Envy is pushed out because it is all about God, His kingdom, and others, not self.
The paradox of striving to be holy like God while still sinning is a central tension in Christian life.
We can resentfully fight the unforeseen, the unexpected, and the inevitable or embrace the fact that we are not all-knowing.
Instead of chasing after the winds of human success and status, we are called to chase after the wind of God’s Spirit.
Remember 1 Peter 3:15-16, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
Join us as we share invaluable lessons on faith, generosity, and combating fear with grace, all while drawing inspiration from a life dedicated to God.
God’s government—His kingdom—is now being established. Seek it and put your trust in it.
We must turn our eyes away from the world’s vanities to the truly beautiful things of the Kingdom of God.
It’s time to turn in your perception and see that God’s goodness is following you. When you embrace His goodness, everything changes! Learn how today!
All day, every day, we are baptized in repentance and constantly re-aligning ourselves to His ways and to His Kingdom.
The concept of luck implies randomness and chaos, but the truth of God’s Word brings order and purpose.
As in the Parable of the Talents, we are not to bury our talents, but to use them, no matter how great or how small.
Fasting is a way to touch God’s heart because the heart of a fast is to bless God.
Be the co-worker that does the job that needs to be done and builds others up at the same time.
Pastor Tim urges listeners to ground their hope in Jesus and reflect on the season’s true meaning despite personal challenges and societal pressures.
When we know the absolute truth of God’s Word, as revealed to us by His Holy Spirit, those who speak anything else become quickly evident.
Being an heir to what God is offering has eternal value.