My Heart Reaches Down to You

Though I try to hide, You’re always there.

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I lift my heart to Thee

the One Who comforts me,

especially in this hour

when I feel weak and without power.


I lift my heart to Thee

as I fall upon my knees,

my heart is broken still

yet I seek to stay in Your Will.


I lift my heart to Thee

knowing I can’t get through this on my own,

the pain is too deep and severe

I can’t make it through this alone.


I lift my heart to Thee

knowing You hear every prayer,

You catch every tear I shed

though I try to hide, You’re always there.


I lift my heart to Thee

oh, how I need Your touch,

I’ll praise You through this storm

I love You so very much!


MY heart reaches down to you

seeing all that you’re going through,

just as your heart breaks in two

know My Child, I Am here for and with you.


MY heart reaches down to you

seeing all of your pain,

I feel what you feel

you’ll never walk alone again.


MY heart reaches down to you

I hurt seeing you struggling so,

please know that My Presence goes with you

no matter where you may go.


MY heart reaches down to you

and I will lift you up,

come now My Beloved Child

and drink from My Healing Cup!


MY heart reaches down to you

every day we’ll walk hand in hand,

I’ll strengthen and empower you

to finish your race upon this land.


“AM I a God Who is near [ Elohei Mikkarov ]” declares the Lord, “ And not a God Who is far off?”

Jeremiah 23:23


Featured Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

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About the Author

Naomi Krstinic is a Kingdom creative, gifted in writing and art. Naomi is passionate about family, ministry, and writing what the Lord shares from His heart to hers. Though Naomi has education in ministry and serving, she believes nothing can take the place of deeply rooted intimacy with the Lord. She continues to be passionate about her writing and finds great joy in spending time daily with the Lord to hear what He longs to share with His children. She has a deep desire to reach out to those who are hurting with God's Love. She believes it is important to remind others that they are loved, valued, and appreciated by God and by her. She has already co-authored a devotional with her poetry. She is blessed to be a part of this wonderful collective at Kingdom Winds and excited for what the future holds. She prays that those who read her writings will be blessed, touched, and inspired to go deeper in Him, and to always know that they do not walk alone.

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