Lana Vawser: I Heard the Lord Say “My Word is the Weapon against the Warfare”

My people, I am waiting for you in the Word in deeper ways than you have encountered Me before.

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Recently, I heard the Lord say, “My Word is the weapon against the warfare.”

As I leaned in and listened to the Lord’s heart, I heard:

“My people, there are many in this hour who are facing opposition from the enemy where he has come to UNDERMINE authority. There has been a significant push that many have been feeling where the enemy is coming to attempt to cause them to abdicate their authority. But I say unto you, that MY WORD is the weapon against the warfare. You must stand in this hour and use your mouth to declare My Word. You must stand in this hour and feast upon the Words that are flowing from My mouth (Matthew 4:4) and not be quick to move from My Words.

For I say unto you that in this hour I am calling My people deeper into LINGERING IN THE WORD. As you linger in My Word, I shall take your roots deeper than they have ever been. I am calling you to ABIDE in Me and My WORDS ABIDE IN YOU (John 15:5): but many are yoking themselves with words that are not Mine and are not in line with My Word and many are facing warfare from the yoking to words that are not from My mouth.

I say unto you, that in this hour you must study to show yourselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15). I am calling you deeper than you have ever been into My Word, and you will see in this hour – more than you have ever seen – the POWER of My Word to reveal deeper depths of who I am: to deliver, to transform, to heal, to nourish, to strengthen, to guide and to empower you with wisdom. In this hour there are many who are feasting at tables where My Word is not held as ultimate truth, and there are many schemes that the enemy is using in this hour to lead My people astray and from the truth of My Word.

My people, I am waiting for you in the Word in deeper ways than you have encountered Me before. I am drawing you deeper into My Word and leading you deeper into truth. I say unto you, that I am setting a table before you of deep revelation of My Word, and I am calling you to come and feast and feast deeply. I am calling you into the deep place of marinating and meditating upon My Word in unprecedented depths that are going to set many of you free from the warfare of the mind that you have been enduring. There are many that have felt unbalanced and disorientated, and I say unto you, that I am restoring divine equilibrium as you study My Word.

I am calling you deeper into MYSTERIES that you have not yet known. For I am bringing you deeper into a place of revelation and understanding the times and the seasons in ways that you have not yet known, but you must silence the voices that are surrounding you and make room for MY WORD to have the loudest voice. The enemy is attempting to lure many into a place of entertaining his lies through the bombardment of fear and accusation, but I say unto you, STAND! USE MY WORD against the warfare.

In this hour I am bringing you into depths of KNOWING MY MIND in ways you have not experienced as you live before Me in deep humility, intimacy, and reverent awe. I am bringing you into mysteries and levels of understanding that are not of the natural world. I am bringing you into realms of wisdom that are going to astound you and will cause you to walk armed with strategy and divine insight that is on a level you have not known. I am working deeply to bring you, My people, into a place of divine insight in walking in the mind of Christ that you have not even begun to imagine: but you cannot enter into these places if you are not deeply IN My Word and studying My Word.

‘He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.’ (Daniel 2:22)

I say unto you, that I am calling you, My people, to come to My Word with a teachable heart in this hour. For I am shaking, shifting, and sifting opinion in this hour. For many have been blinded to My truth because of their own opinions, and I say unto you, that I am looking for those who are TEACHABLE in this hour. I am looking for those who will come to My Word with an open heart to allow My Spirit to lead you and teach you. I am exposing areas of pride in the heart where you are trying to hold to your own opinion that is hardening the heart against My Spirit leading and teaching you.

In this hour you are going to see the power of My Word and its outworking in your lives in unprecedented ways. For many have been deeply discouraged by the lies of the enemy and the voice of circumstances, that many have been battling lies around the power of My Word going forth to accomplish that to which I sent it (Isaiah 55:11), but I say unto you that My Word remains and never fails.

I say unto you, that as you stand upon My Word in this hour you are going to see the prospering of My Word and the manifestation of My Word in abundant fruit and accomplishment in this hour in unprecedented ways: but you must continue to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) There is a fight over your faith in this hour, My people, and you must arise in the power and declaration of My Word.

Now is the time to draw deep and close to Me in My Word. The hour is urgent to KNOW My Word and to know My truth. For there is a greater exposing coming of false truth and doctrine. There is a greater shaking and exposure coming of the watering down of My Word, and I am dealing with the irreverence towards My Word. I am bringing forth a people who feast, live, and breathe My Word. For I am the living Word.”

Purchase Lana’s book A Time to Selah: God’s Prophetic Invitation for you to Step Out of Crisis and Enter Into His Perfect Peace here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Lana Vawser Ministries.

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About the Author

Lana Vawser is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and founder of Lana Vawser Ministries. She is a gifted prophet and teacher and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.