
A Marked People

Our alignment with Jesus will be met by threats from hell that want to destroy our faith in Him, and at times, even our lives.

Sometimes It’s In the Waiting

If you are feeling left behind, out of the loop, or just completely forgotten by the Lord, I encourage you to continue to wait upon Him!

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: You Should Be Ashamed… NOT!

“You should be ashamed of yourself!” Have you ever heard those words? Of course, you have. We all have. Shame is like the final nail in the coffin of a joyful and wonderful life. We’re here to let you know you can give shame the boot!

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: The Grace Awakening

Jimmy and Annette dive into the subject of Grace and it may not mean exactly what you’ve been told. Join us for an important conversation that will leave you “living up in a down world.”

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Life is a Lab Class

Have you ever felt like life is a lab class? Like you’re participating in some grand experiment? Join us as we take a look at life, faith, and how God tends to flip the script on our lives. Let’s laugh, love, and live this life of faith together.


Jimmy and Annette talk about the Mind Wars that barrage us on a daily basis. You are not alone. It is every person’s battle. However, there is hope and there are tools to help you win the war of the mind.

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: When Depression Comes Knocking

If you think Jimmy and Annette have lived a charmed life because they are pastors, you couldn’t be more wrong. Life happens. Things break. People betray. Yet, there’s always a “But God” moment just beyond the pain. Just don’t quit before your breakthrough. Join us on our journey of growing in grace, navigating life, and living up in a down world.

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Disappointed? Join the Club!

Jimmy and Annette want to help make faith real for the rest of us by sharing stories and experiences from 30 years in ministry together as a blended family living up in a down world. Come along for the ride, and just maybe you’ll laugh, cry, relate, and learn something in the process.

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: The Yuckies are No Bueno

Jimmy and Annette want to help make faith real for the rest of us by sharing stories and experiences from 30 years in ministry together as a blended family living up in a down world. Come along for the ride, and just maybe you’ll laugh, cry, relate, and learn something in the process.

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: The Grace Awakening

Jimmy and Annette dive into the subject of Grace and it may not mean exactly what you’ve been told. Join us for an important conversation that will leave you “living up in a down world.”

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Poodle Skirts and Body Builders

Life can throw us so many curve balls, and yes, it’s a twisty and windy road that we’re on. However, it is also possible to live up in a down world! Join Jimmy and Annette Pruitt on their wild journey of 30 years of wow, doing ministry, remarriage, and a commitment to make a difference for the better in this crazy world.

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Beyond Red and Blue

As important as politics and the kingdoms of this world are, they pale in comparison to God’s Kingdom. The call of every follower of Jesus is to be “Salt” and “Light” in the culture around us, not just in the church building. We need to suit up and show up and be the world changers and culture shapers we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be.


Pain is just one of many parts of our life journey. All of us have a story. In this episode, Annette deep dives into some of the trauma moments of her life and how God brought her from despair to deliverance. God is good. There is always hope!

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: Roswell and Area 51

Join Jimmy and Annette as they engage the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful of doing life together in a world that seems to have lost it’s True North. Laugh with us, and at us, as we choose to Live Up in a Down World!


Pain is just one of many parts of our life journey. All of us have a story. In this episode, Annette deep dives into some of the trauma moments of her life and how God brought her from despair to deliverance. God is good. There is always hope!


Jimmy and Annette share their first remote podcast episode from the beach! Lots to share with some major lifestyle decisions that may just help you too. Settle in and join the conversation.

LIVING UP IN A DOWN WORLD: I Think She Just Coughed Up A Lung!

Have you ever felt like life is a lab class? Like you’re participating in some grand experiment? Join us as we take a look at life, faith, and how God tends to flip the script of our lives. Let’s laugh, love, and live this life of faith together.