Lana Vawser: I Heard the Lord Say, “Vision, Vision, Vision, I Am Restoring Vision”
This time you will know what it is like to live as a VICTOR in Me within the vision and there will be great JOY.
This time you will know what it is like to live as a VICTOR in Me within the vision and there will be great JOY.
A NEW DAY is arising in your life. You are moving out of the entanglement of traumas and into the RESTORATION of My Spirit for you.
REMAIN STEADFAST, standing upon the strategies that I am speaking in this hour.
I am restoring your soul, I am restoring your strength, I am restoring your creativity and I am restoring your VISION.
I am bringing My people through new doors of a new day of healing, freedom, and justice.
I am continuing to deal with double-mindedness and I am bringing you, My people, into a greater place of SINGULAR FOCUS upon Me.
There must be a deep level of surrender in this deeper place of stretching for I am leading many of you into unfamiliar territory.
The intensity of the groans is increasing, because of the MIGHTY move of My Spirit and My power in the earth like never before.
Fear and anxiety has come in such intensity that it has begun to cause many to doubt whether they even heard My voice in the first place.
Do not allow despair, discouragement, and grief to have the loudest voice within your hearts.
I have new lands for you to plow, new places for you to stand, and new heights for you to occupy.
I am not raising up a Church rooted in her own opinions: I am raising up a Church that is branded and marked by My wisdom.
PROPHESY your way out of the old grave clothes and step into the NEW GRACE CLOTHES that I have for you in this new season.
All that has been built upon man will not be able to sustain My Glory and My presence that is about to invade in a catalytic way.
MY ARMY IS ARISING! And as My fire continues to fall in power, I am moving you, My people, into unchartered territories in prayer.
As you step out, you will not only be refreshed, but you will be strengthened by My Spirit in mind, body, and heart.
I am severing those bitter places and I am bringing you into the blossoming place of life and recompense in Me.
IN ME, nothing is wasted and nothing is beyond My restoration and recompense.
There is a convergence of much of the preparations that I have done within you over the seasons to prepare you for this hour.
Where many of you have felt like waves have tumbled and plummeted you, now you shall walk upon the waves with Me.
There is a mighty tidal wave of My Spirit being poured out upon you in this hour, like a waterfall, to WASH AWAY WEARINESS.
I am INCREASING THE WINDS OF DELIVERANCE upon the lives of My people and in the nations to deal with injustice.
I am strengthening you to stand in Me and stand in MY INSIGHT for the days ahead.
I will bring you into a place where you see the power of My hand REDEEM time.
Strength is found in Me and who I am, and in the confident expectation of what I will do.
Your tears that have come in the deep places of obedience have carved out a pathway for My glory.
I am BREAKING that disconnect and I am bringing you into a deeper place of re-engagement in dreaming with Me.
Do not allow the landscape dreams of how you wish and long for things to be to chain you.
My fire is coming upon My Church where there has been a prostitution of revelation.
I am looking for those who are prepared to move on My instruction, no matter the cost, no matter what it looks like.
I am speaking and revealing in this hour, bringing forth the hidden things both light and darkness.
Watch great deliverance, direction, and wisdom come to you that is greatly needed for the days ahead.
Look not to what is being shaken in August, but look to what is being REARRANGED in August.
It’s time for My Bride to arise and understand how to war like never before.
Do not be counted in this hour as one who lives in compromise and compromising the blueprints and instructions that I give to you.
Rid your lives of all distractions and keep your eyes firmly focused upon Me.
The season has changed. I am bringing you into the NEW.
I am delivering you from that confusion in this hour, and I am raising you up in discernment in a way you have never experienced before.
You must lay down human reasoning in this hour and the need to understand, and FOLLOW My voice.
Spiritual midwives are arising in this hour to birth in intercession the plans, purposes, and divine strategy of My heart for the earth.
I come to tear down what has been built in pride, what has been built in elitism, and what has been built on FALSE foundations.
I am calling My people to DECIDE and be DONE with double mindedness, it’s TIME to DECIDE.”
I am gathering My army and aligning you in ferocious focus to partner with Me to see My Glory and My name manifest in the earth.
PUSH in faith in intercession to see the birthing that I am bringing and the outpouring of My Spirit manifest.
I am bringing you into a NEW DAY and it will NOT be the same as you have experienced before. This is your comeback.
I am turning the page. It’s a new day! I am turning the page as you ascend in HIGH PRAISE.
I am rapidly and ferociously removing regret from your heart and leading you up high on the Rock that is I, and restoring hope to you again.
I am delivering My people deeply from the orphan spirit and the cages of comparison and competition.
A people are arising with increasing conviction of the power of the Word and the power of His Words on their lips.
They receive divine intel that is nestled deeply within My heart and they are shifting nations with Me as they echo MY intercession.
I am bringing you UP and OUT of what has tried to steal your joy, steal your voice, and steal your strength.
I am uncovering and bringing things into My light for I am cleaning house and cleansing My Bride.
I am displacing the false narratives and I am establishing MY NARRATIVE for your season.
In the coming year you shall occupy.
The “cloud the size of a man’s hand” is rising out of the sea in your life. It’s the manifestation of the breakthrough of God.
“In the reverberation of My Roar — EVERYTHING CHANGES.”
I am breaking off the heavy yoke of weariness and I am ushering them into a season of UNPRECEDENTED ENCOUNTER with Me.
Many are feeling ‘frantic in trying to find the formula,’ but the truth is, all they have to do is be with Me.
In this major increase of SUDDENLIES upon the daughters of God, it is CRUCIAL to stay in the place of SURRENDER to Jesus.
The assignments He has called you to step into will be stepped into with great EASE, and you will find the slipstream of His grace, His anointing, and His power.
A divine network, a divine cross-pollination, a divine Holy Spirit activation igniting and unifying His body and drawing in the harvest.
The enemy would attempt to cause many of you to feel stuck in your soul and its woes, but ARISE and fill your mouths with praise to Me.
I am branding them afresh in the revelation of My victory and their victory in Me.
Watch faith being birthed and increased in the place of deep submersion of AWE.
I saw the hand of the Lord come down. He drew a deep line in the sand and His voice thundered, “YOU WILL NOT BE MOVED.”
They will go forth tearing down the giants inhabiting the lives of others in My name.
Where the enemy has tried to burn you out, you are now going to BURN FOR JESUS like you never have before.
You thought the vision was over and gone. You thought My Words had fallen to the ground, but NO, I was making room for INCREASE.
Expect swift deliverance. Expect swift healing. Expect supernatural divine recovery because it is happening and manifesting NOW.
My daughters are being positioned. They are carrying the fire of My love and they will be well received — door upon door.
God was ushering His people into a time of greater and deeper understanding of what it is like to live FULLY ALIVE in Him.
Jesus is painting a beautiful picture of the increase and fruitfulness that will come forth in the obedience to “pick it up and begin again.”
My fire is falling now, and your roar is not only being restored, but it will be louder than ever before.
The journey has been hard, and the price has been high, but it is nothing compared to the manifestation of My Glory that will be in their midst.
God’s people lingering before Him, waiting upon Him, without agenda, presumption, or assumption, just being with Him.
ARKS OF MY GLORY are being birthed and built all across the world.
The King of Glory is moving in the Church and the world in amazing ways.
For those called to write, ferociously take hold of what He is releasing, what is available right now.
Be still: receive My breath upon you.
God was lifting off the trauma and the grief and moving them into profound realms of healing.
The depth of clarity from My fresh wind is bringing about the contentment and peace of My heart and My blueprint for their season.
As you have interceded and fought for the breakthrough of others, cities, and nations, I decree over you; it is now your turn!
There is a revealing and beholding of Jesus and His beauty upon us that we have never entered into before.
2023 will be a year of being “Saturated in His Glory.”
God’s revelation is bringing breakthrough and rest.
Your eyes will fall upon the harvest. It is upon you!
The land may look completely different, but it is going to be amazing, joy-filled, and with blessings all around.
The trailblazing daughters of God were being totally overtaken in greater ways by His Kingdom cause.
The enemy has tried to kill you, but now I am positioning you.
There is an acceleration in the Spirit, and as the people of God are faithful to steward what He has given them, more will be added.
In the heavens, I am THUNDERING “The greatest demonstration of OVERFLOWING HARVEST is upon My people.”
The enemy has tried to cage many, but I am now releasing greater favor upon them.
We are on the precipice of partnering with the Lord in a move of His Spirit and wonders in the earth like we have never seen before.
The weight of His Glory came and rested upon these divine heavenly dreams and visions He had placed within hearts.
It is time to be free from what has hindered you and tried to hold you tightly to the old season. You are not to sing the songs of Egypt anymore.
Eliminate rush, eliminate busyness, come deeper into My presence, for I have great and unsearchable things to reveal to you. Ask Me!
This was a branding and marking encounter and season, they would be left NEVER THE SAME.
Not only were the chains that hindered advancement, broken, but a huge increase of clarity was being released.
I have built in you a fortification of intimacy with Me IN the fire, rooted deeply in the revelation that you live and move and have your being IN ME.
The Lord showed me that there is a deeper invitation to surrender to His timing right now.