Lana Vawser: I Heard the Lord Say “In the Stretching I Am Strengthening You”

There must be a deep level of surrender in this deeper place of stretching for I am leading many of you into unfamiliar territory.

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Recently, I heard the Lord say, “In the stretching I am strengthening you.”

As I leaned into the Lord and listened to His heart, I heard the Lord say:

“For I am releasing many of you into new assignments in this hour and you must step out with both feet. I say unto you, that you cannot keep one foot in what you have known and one foot in the new assignment that I am leading you into. I am looking for full obedience and complete surrender in the transition into these new assignments. For there is an intense stretching that is taking place right now for many of you in the stepping into and moving in the new assignments I have for you: but I say unto you, EMBRACE the stretching. I am calling you deeper into the place of surrender in this hour, and there must be a deep level of surrender in this deeper place of stretching for I am leading many of you into unfamiliar territory.

I say unto you, that you may feel at your weakest stepping into these new assignments that I have for you because of what you have walked through and the magnitude and unfamiliarity of what I am leading you into, but that does not mean it is not of Me. It IS ME and I am bringing you into a place of the greatest strengthening you have ever known and it is found in the deepest dependence and trust in Me: knowing that it is not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit (Zech 4:6) that you will move in all I have for you in this hour.

For I say unto you, that many of you must make a decision in this hour to move forward with both feet. I say unto you, that I am teaching you to walk on the water with Me. There is a deep place of rest and dependence in Me that is required in this hour to walk upon what feels impossible. I say unto you, that as you move forward in this new season into the new assignments that I have for you – and as you give yourself totally to those assignments and abandon yourself completely to Me – you are going to see what you have never seen before and you are going to walk on water and do in Me what you never thought you could do.

For I am taking you so far outside your own abilities, to bring you deeper into the supernatural possibilities found in Me. For I am stripping My people in this hour of their own self-effort, striving and man-made strength, to a level of dependence upon Me where My power and Glory is seen in unprecedented ways. For many of you have been feeling the intense stretching of the hour and have heard Me leading you into these new assignments, but have begun to shy away from these new assignments because of the intensity of the stretching. I say unto you, LEAN INTO THE STRETCHING. Lean into the stretching by My hand, for I am intentionally leading you so far out of your own strength: for it is not by your efforts or strength, but it is by My Spirit.

Oh, the glorious moves of My Spirit that you shall see in this hour in the deepest places of stretching and feeling the pull outside of your comfort zone. You shall find such strength in the depth of your surrender in this hour: as I fill your mouths, as I lead you, as I guide you, as I crown you with wisdom as you seek and treasure it (James 1:5 and Proverbs 2). For I say unto you, that you will be so awed and left in deep wonder of who I am as you see me move through you in ways you have never seen Me move through you in this hour. For I say unto you, that you are coming into a whole new season of seeing the unprecedented demonstrations of My power.

In the new assignments that I am leading you into, rely not on your own strength and understanding.

‘Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart. And do not rely on your own insight and understanding, in all your ways acknowledge and recognize Him and He will make your paths straight and smooth (removing obstacles that block your path).’
(Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP)

For I say unto you, that in the stretching, nestle yourself in My Word and the wells of wisdom within My heart. You must NOT assume or presume anything within these new assignments, but you must be led by My hand and eye as your guide at every step. For I am leading you into a place of stewarding a move of My Spirit and My Glory that is so unprecedented, I am training you in the new ways and strategies contained within these assignments I am releasing to you and it is requiring you to come deeper into a new level of acquiring My wisdom. You MUST intercede for insight and wisdom in this hour (Proverbs 2:3-5). I am training you in new ways of moving with Me in the new strategies and the wisdom I am releasing for these new assignments.

I say unto you, My people, seek Me FIRST for the answers, strategies, and wisdom required for these new assignments. For there are many running to people, looking for the answers, strategies, and wisdom in this hour without coming to Me FIRST. I say unto you, you MUST come to me first. There will be times in this season when My wisdom and strategy in these new assignments will lead you down paths, into places, and walking in My strategies and ways that are very different to those surrounding you and the counsel being given to you. You must come to Me first and allow Me to teach you to discern what and where I am guiding you and where I am leading you.

I say unto you, continue to draw close and ask for My discernment in this hour, for I am DELIVERING many of you from counsel that was given to you that was NOT from Me and was NOT the strategies and way I am leading you in this hour, that has left you confused, contained and unable to move into all I have for you. I am leading you DEEPER into the place of clarity as I DELIVER you from counsel that was given to you for this season and in the new assignments being given to you that were NOT from Me.

I say unto you, MOVE where I am MOVING and you will find a MOVEMENT being birthed through you. My people, for many of you in this hour, you are receiving new assignments from Me and I am releasing new mantles that are BIRTHING movements. For I say unto you, that you do not realize the magnitude of what will come from and be birthed out of these new assignments that I am leading you into. The magnitude of what I will do through you and birth through you that is going to be released and birthed as a movement in the earth, that will see My Glory and My Kingdom extended in ways that you cannot fathom.

Draw close to Me, listen closely, for I am empowering you by My Spirit in this stretching to move into a whole new realm of governing. Embrace the stretching, embrace the new positioning, for I am teaching you to govern in a whole new way. And as you embrace these new assignments, you are moving into a completely new era of unprecedented demonstrations of MY Glory and power through you. In the stretching and in your weakness, I will be Your strength and the demonstrations of My power will leave you in AWE. Arise and receive the new assignments, it’s time to come up higher as you come deeper in dependence upon Me.”

Purchase Lana’s book A Time to Selah: God’s Prophetic Invitation for you to Step Out of Crisis and Enter Into His Perfect Peace here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Lana Vawser Ministries.

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About the Author

Lana Vawser is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and founder of Lana Vawser Ministries. She is a gifted prophet and teacher and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.