Lana Vawser: I Heard the Lord Say “I Am Solidifying My Strategies”

REMAIN STEADFAST, standing upon the strategies that I am speaking in this hour.

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Recently, I heard the Lord say, “I am solidifying My strategies.”

When the Lord spoke these words I saw what looked like ‘whirlwinds’ that were surrounding many, and these whirlwinds looked like whirlwinds of confusion. They were blowing and roaring loudly and I knew that they had been sent from the enemy to cause UNREST and ANGST.

When I saw the word ANGST this word was deeply highlighted to me.

ANGST: A feeling of deep anxiety or dread.

SYNONYMS: anxiety, fear, dread, apprehension, worry, foreboding, trepidation, malaise, distress, disquiet, unease, uneasiness.

These whirlwinds had come so suddenly into the lives of many believers and I knew that these whirlwinds had come with such a strategic assignment to bring ANGST into the lives of believers, and the ANGST was gaining entry through the AGREEMENT of the saints with its lies and its false narrative.

I then leaned into the heart of the Lord and I heard the Lord say:

“These whirlwinds have come to bring deep unrest and angst in the lives of many in this hour, as the enemy is attempting to oppose the SOLIDIFYING OF MY STRATEGIES that I am releasing into the lives of My people right now. I am bringing My people into such a deep realm of FAITH REST in My strategies in this hour that they will NOT be shaken.

I say unto you, My people, LOOK NOT to the whirlwinds. Lower your head between your knees like Elijah did (1 Kings 18) and remain in focused intercession on what I am speaking, the strategies I am releasing, and keep your eyes firmly focused upon Me. I say unto you, that as you continue to lift up your head to where your help comes from (Psalm 121) and you continue to keep your eyes firmly fixed upon Me (Hebrews 12:2) and you continue to STAND upon the strategies that I am speaking and releasing in this hour.

You are not only ascending into a greater realm of sitting in My counsel through your understanding of what I am speaking, but you are moving into a season of being the most solidified in My strategies. Not only am I solidifying My strategies within your lives with such clarity and confirmation, I am bringing forth a solidifying within you as I work deeply within your hearts to REMAIN STEADFAST, standing upon the strategies that I am speaking in this hour.

My people, listen to Me, you are NOT TO MOVE from what I have spoken. You are NOT to move an inch from that which I have spoken. Now is the time to dig your heels in faith and stand ferociously upon the strategies that I am releasing to you in this hour: no matter what they look like, no matter the cost or the way, you MUST REMAIN.

I say unto you, that where the whirlwinds of the enemy have come to bring ANGST, as I am solidifying My strategies in your lives and you are remaining and standing upon that which I have spoken, you will SEE the WINDS OF ACCELERATION upon these strategies – MY strategies – in ways you have not yet seen before.

You will see the supernatural provision within My strategies, and the power of My Spirit bring forth a mighty move of My Spirit through the strategies that I am giving you in this hour that is unlike anything you have ever seen: but you MUST remain in faith, and there is a greater level of walking by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7) in this hour.

My strategies in this hour will cause you to climb mountains you have never climbed and will cause you to pioneer paths and uncharted territories that you have never explored or imagined before. But as you remain steadfast upon the strategies I am releasing to you, you will see that it is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit (Zech 4:6).

My people, I say unto you, that for many of you in this hour this next step strategy that I am releasing to you – as you step forth in obedience and remain steadfast upon that which I have spoken – this strategy that I have given you is going to open up a SLIPSTREAM of My Spirit that you have not experienced before.

You will be carried in a level of grace that is unprecedented to you, and My Spirit will not only bring a great overcoming of the opposition of the enemy that has attempted to keep you from the land I am leading you into, but you will find a new level of My grace to build with Me in a significantly different way to that which you have known. It is going to require a new level of dependence upon Me as you learn to navigate new realms of alignments, community, and new ways of being led by Me in your building.

Contained within My strategies is all the provision needed. Worry not about provision, for I have already gone before to provide all that is needed for you to build with Me in these new and unfamiliar, unprecedented ways.

I say unto you, where there has been an alignment with ANGST in this hour, come deeper, My people, and repent of angst. I am delivering you from ANGST in your repentance and I am delivering your bodies from the effects of ANGST by the power of My Spirit and in the power of My name, And I say unto you, that I am turning the ANGST to ANTICIPATION in this hour, for the great and mighty works that I will do in your midst.

I say unto you, that the whirlwinds have come strongly against you, but I am solidifying My strategies in your lives and I am bringing you deeper into the places of seeing Me do WONDEROUS things among you. I am bringing you deeper into a place of seeing what you have never seen. Oh, how My strategies in this hour will lead you into deeper wonder of who I am and My power as you remain and obey.

You have not imagined what I have planned. The strategies I am solidifying within you in this hour are much bigger than you realize. Watch what I will do through the strategies I am giving you in this hour, it is FAR BEYOND your comprehension. My Glory will be revealed like you have not yet seen.”

“But, as it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear has heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.'” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

Purchase Lana’s book A Time to Selah: God’s Prophetic Invitation for you to Step Out of Crisis and Enter Into His Perfect Peace here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Lana Vawser Ministries.

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About the Author

Lana Vawser is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and founder of Lana Vawser Ministries. She is a gifted prophet and teacher and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.