Lana Vawser: I Heard the Lord Say “I Am Inviting You Into a New Realm of Understanding”

I am lifting the veil and I am bringing forth a greater level of understanding as you come to Me in humility.

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Recently, I heard the Lord say, “I am bringing you into a new realm of understanding.”

As I leaned in and listened to the Lord’s heart, I heard the Lord say:

“My people, I am inviting you into a new realm of understanding. I am bringing you deeper into a realm of understanding in My heart and My mind that you have not walked in before. I say unto you, that the only entry point into this new realm of understanding that I am bringing you into is humility. For I say unto you, that where you hold onto your own way or you hold onto your own ideas and opinions, you cannot enter into the new realm of understanding that I am inviting you into.

For I say unto you, to enter into this new realm of understanding, it is requiring an even deeper surrender. I am calling you, My people, into a deeper realm of laying down your life, laying down your agendas, laying down your ways, to arise and embrace My way for this season. For there have been many who have been caught in disorientation, confusion, comparison, and heaviness in this hour as you attempt to try and work out in your own natural human understanding that which I am doing and that which I am leading you into.

For I say unto you, that again I am calling you to lay down your own understanding in this hour. I am calling you to acknowledge Me in ALL of your ways and I WILL make your paths straight.

‘Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him and He will make your paths straight and smooth (removing obstacles that block your way)’
Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP)

I say unto you, that in this year you are coming into a greater understanding and awakening to John 15:5.

‘I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for (otherwise) apart from Me (that is, cut off from vital union with Me) you can do nothing.’ (AMP)

I am lifting the veil, I am lifting the veil in areas where you have been hindered in your understanding, where you have been blinded by your own opinions or understanding, and for many blinded by the battles that you have faced. I am lifting the veil and I am bringing forth a greater level of understanding as you come to Me in humility.

I say unto you, that I am exposing and uncovering things that have been hidden, and I am increasing your discernment, and in this increase of understanding, there are significant changes that I will lead you to make.

I say unto you that things cannot remain the same. I am purging, I am purifying, I am simplifying; and for many of you, I am purging voices from your lives that have led you in directions that are not of Me. I say unto you, that in this urgent hour, you cannot give your ear to every voice. For many have made covenants with confusion through your open ear to many voices.

I say unto you, that it is MY VOICE that you are to listen to above all. It is MY VOICE that you are to follow and obey as I lead you into all that I have for you in these days and the assignments that I have given you. For I am calling you deeper into the abiding place, and many need to RETURN to My voice and RETURN to what I have said.

Many need to RETURN to the basics that I spoke to you before clutter entered your heart and world through the welcoming of many voices in your lives. I say unto you, that I am concreting conviction in your life in this hour to REMAIN in what I have spoken to you and where I am leading you.

I say unto you, rid your lives of comparison, rid your lives of insecurity, and do not continue to entertain these voices and these lies that sit at your table and attempt to lure you and lead you into places of abdicating your authority and not moving into the new realm of understanding that I am leading you into. For I am calling you to surrender the narratives of entertaining voices that are not of Me and ones lifted and exalted higher than Mine.

For I say unto you that there is only ONE VOICE that will sustain you and it is MY VOICE (Matthew 4:4). For the depth of understanding that I am inviting you into, My people is one that is found in depths of humility, surrender, and oneness with Me that you have not experienced before. It is the invitation into the mysteries of My wisdom and the heavenly realm that far surpasses what you have experienced: but there is a deeper death to self that is taking place to enter in.

I say unto you, My people, that many of you have been feeling like you have been dealing with issues that are natural and looking inward, and that has been the lure of the enemy. The enemy has been luring many of you to look inward and to navel-gaze in this hour and look to the natural realm so that many of you have felt like you have suddenly become bogged down: and I say unto you that I am calling you to lift your head UPWARD.

I am lifting the veil the enemy has attempted to put before your eyes to keep you attempting to deal with the things you have been dealing with in the natural realm, where the truth is, what you are dealing with is a strategic assignment of the enemy to KEEP YOU from a new realm of understanding.

I say unto those of you who suddenly felt like your discernment was dulled or your spiritual senses suddenly shifted, STAND UP and REBUKE the assignment of the enemy against your discernment and against your spiritual senses. There are those of you who felt suddenly your senses shift, and it was not because of a place of sin or rebellion, but it came with great heaviness.

I say unto you, take authority over that which is trying to hinder you from entering into the invitation into understanding that which is before you and anything that is coming to hinder your insight and discernment. For the very attack of the enemy against your senses in this hour is an indication of the level of understanding that I am bringing you into. The clarity that is being unveiled in this hour as you ascend My mountain and seek Me, is unprecedented.

I am bringing you into a whole new realm of divine strategy and understanding. As understanding significantly increases in this hour, that requires, for some, great change. There is a deep place in Me where you will be schooled by My Spirit in the understanding in a way you have not experienced before. I am calling you deeper into the hidden place, into the secret place to be schooled by Me.

For I am not raising up a CONFUSED people in this hour, I am raising up a CONSECRATED people who are walking in clarity, insight, and conviction of what I am speaking and My strategies: from a place of such deep humility and tenderness to My Spirit that is going to govern with Me in intercession and in the earth like they have not seen before.

Do NOT be talked out of what I am releasing and revealing to you. Allow the understanding I am releasing to saturate and permeate every part of you. As you step into My invitation for greater understanding, much deliverance will take place of things that have attempted to hold you back from your divine assignment in this hour; and the places of containment and confusion that have attempted to keep you from flourishing in Me, will suddenly fall to the wayside.

As I draw you into realms of deeper understanding and you begin to see that many things were not as they seem and have seemed, stay close to Me. For in the revealing, I am bringing healing and ushering you into deeper realms of strength in My understanding and wisdom as you abide in Me.”

Wisdom is a gift from a generous God, and every word he speaks is full of revelation and becomes a fountain of understanding within you. For the Lord has a hidden storehouse of wisdom made accessible to his godly ones.”
Proverbs 2:6-9 (TPT)

Purchase Lana’s book A Time to Selah: God’s Prophetic Invitation for you to Step Out of Crisis and Enter Into His Perfect Peace here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Lana Vawser Ministries.

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About the Author

Lana Vawser is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and founder of Lana Vawser Ministries. She is a gifted prophet and teacher and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.