The wisdom of the heart in essence is repentance; that capacity to change one’s mind from wrong to right, from evil to good, from division to peace.
The function of a human’s presence is blessing unto being blessed.
Life is instructive. All of what we can perceive and thereby know is to be drawn within, even as breath of inspiration, for learning and response. If something we see or know or feel or otherwise perceive seems good, we learn why, and then how to do it. We replicate it. Because it is wisdom. If something we see, know, feel, or otherwise perceive annoys us, we learn why, and then we avoid that way. Because it is folly.
Our veritable function in this world, while our hearts beat, is that our hearts would beat for Him who is our Lord, Saviour, and King. Our bodies, our minds, and our souls, are to be a blessing unto our own blessedness. Blessing is our purpose. If we are anything else, we are a blight upon Him who gave us our lives.
May it be for the human being reading this: blessing that they be and blessed as a result.
Blessing comes in no better, nor more pungent form, than through forgiveness, which I describe here as the wisdom of the heart.
The wisdom of the heart understands and accepts that for growth to occur there must be forgiveness, and that forgiveness itself is the important signpost of growth. And how are we to forgive other than to work with accepting individuals and situations we cannot change—which is a basic element of maturity.
Forgiveness is, in and of itself, a key indicator of resilience forged through the crucible of adversity.
Forgiveness shows how the heart has overcome overtures to the hurts of life.
Forgiveness is the equilibrium of life, taking post-traumatic stress and making it post-traumatic growth.
Forgiveness is the necessary foundation stone for a life of blessing: blessing unto being blessed.
May it be you, in your deepest, wildest hour, who, having traversed untold myriad adversity, stands tall in the face of what has been, sits gently with what has been done, considering it all, and smiles, for you have forgiven.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Tribework
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