Steve Wickham

Forgive and Live

Although the choice to dwell on the betrayal seems justified, it is not.

Freedom’s Peace

There comes a time in all our lives when our life is screaming at us to listen.

Hope Beyond the Overwhelm

There is the intractable presence of hope beyond the overwhelm if only we cling to the fact that good is coming.

Forgiveness, the Victory of God

This life through death is never more poignantly lived than through the death to self of extending mercy toward someone who does not deserve it.

Forgiveness, the City of God

The City of God executes the mercy of their Maker, because, due to their character, they see far beyond a selfish justice.

Forgiveness, the Truth of God

All of life depends on the love that is in forgiveness, for anything else in this hard life leads to bitterness when the heart is hurt.

Forgiveness, the Unity of God

When Christians forgive one another, they herald a power the world does not know, and the world notices the transcendence of this love.

Forgiveness, the Heart of God

It is s only those who party with the truth—who are comfortable, resigned to facing their own truth—who can, in that moment, love.

Forgiveness, the Light of God

The very reason we are motivated to BE the person of Light is that we have acknowledged that the darkness is IN us on a daily basis.

You Got Through Now Go On!

Our sole task is to find God’s hope amid the struggle, because if we have hope we have the fuel to propel faith.

Forgiveness: The Love of God

Knowing that God’s justice is perfect, we can leave others’ debts against us with God, just as we must reconcile our debts before God.

Are You Really a People Pleaser

It’s always the victim who gets punished and gaslit, and the one who did the manipulation in the first place tends to get away with it.

Our Response is Our Responsibility

Others can cause us to be stressed and even to respond poorly, but even in these cases, we’re still required to rise above it and respond well.

Taking the Steps to Forgive Oneself

In situations where there is regret for what we cannot undo, even as we process it again and again and again, we find ourselves arriving at a place of self-judgment and self-recrimination.

A Letter to the Unaware Husband

I see you tell yourself, “I’m a pretty good husband and I’ve got a pretty good marriage,” all the while having no idea what’s really happening.

Those We Love are Loaned to Us

Death gives life its meaning if only we can view the whole of our lives, every single aspect, through the lens of, “This life is fleeting.”