Psalm 45:1 TPT
My heart is on fire, boiling over with passion. as a lovely poem to be sung for the King. Like a river bursting its banks, I’m overflowing with words, spilling out into this sacred story.
Embers become burning flames
whenever You are near,
answering Your daily call
to come swiftly to our “secret place”
and to abide with You there.
Embers become burning flames
when I surrender all I have to You,
recognizing that I am nothing on my own,
and only empowered by our time together for all that I’m called to do!
Embers become burning flames
when I daily pick up my cross.
When I walk in the steps of my Beloved Savior
and consistently reach out to the lost.
Embers become burning flames
each time I go in to pray.
When I let go of self
and take on Your Image and willingly obey.
Embers become burning flames
as I daily sit with You and listen to Your heart.
As I treasure each Word You speak to me
and each Truth that You impart.
Embers become burning flames
as Your Spirit breathes within me.
Empowering me to do what You’ve called me to do,
to go forth to set the captives free.
Embers become burning flames
as I lay my heart upon Your Altar each day.
As I give myself wholly to You,
and willingly say, “Lord, please have Your way!”
Embers become burning flames
as I dance before Your Throne,
waiting ever so longingly
for the long-awaited Day when I will finally be Home!
2 Timothy 1:6
That is why I remind you to fan into flame the gracious gift of God, [that inner fire—the special endowment] which is in you through the laying on of my hands.
We must remember to keep the fire burning bright and fervent within us! That is our responsibility alone! If our fire dwindles down to only embers, it’s time to get in the Presence of God, stay there, and ask Him to fan the flames until they are burning hot and brightly again!
As I have been spending time with the Lord the last 2 weeks, I have been so dwelling on this, and dwelling on ministering to Him, and what truly being in His Presence means! I have been meditating on the last part of this verse: 2 Cor 2:14
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him.
The last part says, “and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance, of Him!”
He has had me dwelling on His Fragrance! We are to be a sweet-smelling fragrance wherever we go, that’s His Presence going with us! We are created in His Image.
The more time we devote to spend with Him, the more we become like Him, the more we are transformed into His Beautiful Image, and His Sweet Smelling Fragrance will become ours. Are others smelling His Fragrance upon us?!
I have been pondering and meditating on whether others can tell that I have been in the Presence of the Lord. How can they tell? Am I reflecting His Image? Do I smell like Him? And is my fire burning hot and bright?
These are the things we should be asking for and meditating and dwelling on!
Because then it impacts the lives of those around us, they no longer see us, they see Him! They are drawn to Him! That hunger will rise up! Let me always be ever mindful of His Fragrance and His Presence!!! Let me always hunger for more!!!
These are all things I have come away with from dwelling with Him! Our time is so short beloved! Are we making a difference every day in the life of someone else, and is it an eternal impact?
I pray that I am making Heaven smile in the choices I make and that I am leaving an imprint daily. How about you?
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