Dealing With Fatigue in Jesus

He is my comfort and peace in these times of need; a Heavenly balm for my soul.

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“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”Matthew 11:28-29 (NASB)

As a brain tumor survivor, I am so grateful for the provisions of Father God in my life every day, even when things are not going well. My initial diagnosis and treatment was nearly twenty years ago, yet I still have symptoms that victims of brain injury have from time to time. One of these is fatigue which is an extreme form of tiredness, which comes in waves over several days. One of the annoyances for those who have fatigue symptoms is other people’s perceptions of it; lack of sleep and depression are often quoted which do produce similar effects to brain injury.

The reason that I write about fatigue in relation to brain injury is that I have had several incidents lately. A good description given by some folk is to imagine an old mobile device where the battery runs down quickly, and needs to be recharged again soon afterwards. Very often there is nothing for it other than sleeping, which often helps. For me when fatigue hits my ability to read and write suffers; this is where having a back catalog of posts comes in handy to produce reposts.

Dear Reader, dealing with fatigue as a Christian is a good spiritual exercise – that’s my take on it. I may be restricted in what I can do during a bout of fatigue, but I need my Lord and Saviour Jesus more when my battery is flat. He is my comfort and peace in these times of need; a Heavenly balm for my soul. When I am between sleeps, I listen to restful worship music and audio Bible passages; these aid me in my prayers as short as they may be with tiredness. I hope I can encourage you in what ails you or steals your peace, to seek Jesus in whatever way you can manage – He is never far away.



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Devotional Treasures

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About the Author

Devotional Treasures is a daily source of Biblical posts on various sources; they are free to all. These are written by me, Alan Kearns, and are inspired by my own private reading/study of God's Word.