Bible Study/Devotional

Ways of Prayer

The child of God may not be able to vocalize their pain, but God still hears and responds lovingly to the groaning of the broken heart. 

His Appointed Time

Our Father God is a Creator of purpose and order, which includes the details of our lives.

When Trouble Sets You Aside

Our Father wants us to be confident in Him––His presence, provision, and power––not in what we can do for Him (or anyone else).

Doing Our Duty

Each day brings His return closer, and the urgency to share the news of it is more urgent than yesterday.

Here I am …

Abraham was true to his word and was willing to obey in faith.

Our Gracious God

The LORD God has no need of a meal prepared by man, yet He accepts it as an act of worship – true hospitality.

Speak Up!

When Christians are silent regarding Almighty God and His magnificent works, the Holy Spirit makes a noise.

The LORD of Our Salvation

God is the only one with whom we can be utterly confident, and all others will fail us – David knew this.

Holy Spirit Boldness

If you know Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, you are a child of God, filled with the Holy Spirit and His boldness.

Unaninous in Prayer

Prayer was the glue that held them together; it was the anointing oil on their fellowship with one another.

The Righteous Walk

He who delights in the Law of the LORD continually is prepared to stand for God in the world.

A Commandment

Even those who find it difficult to get along with their parents are still commanded to honor them.  

His Light Shines

The existence of light is important and determines our life and well-being.

Hallowed Be His Name

Our personal relationship with Father God must be right before we ask anything of Him.

Be A Bridge

As a follower of Jesus, we are created to be a bridge, as Jesus is a bridge between man and God.

His Deep Heart Scan

Father God was scanning bodies long before the CT scanner, and in greater detail – finding the true nature of man’s heart.

Searching His Word Daily

Just as Jesus instructed His disciples to pray for daily bread, we need to go daily to the Scriptures which is the Bread of Life to every believer.

Loving Your Enemies

The generous actions of one being persecuted will reflect the love of God in their life.

Are You Listening?

Moses was not keen on what God required of him, but he obeyed Him regardless.

Our Refuge

God sees His children and knows their troubles.

Silent Night

And then the Heavenly choir appeared as if the sight of one angel wasn’t magnificent enough!

Our Father’s Delights

The religious duties performed in our churches once a week are no better than the duties of the Pharisees to impress others.

A Surrendered Mind

Peace (shâlôm) means to be happy, healthy, rested, and secure in God our Father.

Covered By Faith

We may not say a word but God’s peace is our testimony to those we meet – telling them that we trust God.

A Promise Kept

The Holy Spirit remains in us strengthening and guiding us each day…God keeps His promises!

Our Great Need

The manna provided by God for the Israelites in the wilderness was a reminder of their great need of Him.

Feeding The Flock

In my reflections, I realized that the rules that dictate my bird table also apply to sharing the Word of God.

Guard Your Mind

As children of God we need to be watchful that the heavenly flow through our heart is not blocked by the filthy detritus of this world.

Blessings of Daniel – Part 1

The grace of Daniel is seen in that he requested rather than demanded of the king’s eunuch; a worthy lesson for us today.

True Giving

God is no man’s debtor – He always rewards our generosity.

Search Me!

God really does know the full contents of our hearts.

Anointed For a Purpose

You, too, are anointed by the Spirit of the Lord. You, too, are called to proclaim good news, bring healing, and release those in bondage.

A Robin’s Reminder

Robins remind me of my Lord due to the legend attached to how they attained their red breast.

Angels By Our Side

He had left her alone because she had two large bodyguards as an escort, one on each shoulder.

Expect The Unexpected!

When we plan our life, it is on a small canvas, but our Heavenly Father has the whole panoramic picture stretched out before Him.

True Happiness

According to the Bible, happiness is found in fearing (revering) the Lord.

Examine Ourselves

We are called to to examine ourselves each day, to see if there is evidence of Christ our Lord in our life.

Made For His Purpose

It is indeed encouraging to “know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God.

Honoring Our Unique Journeys

It is a humbling experience to see how God uses our trials to minister to the hearts of those who need encouragement.

Waiting In the Dark

Jeremiah knew that regardless of circumstances, God’s compassion would be seen eventually in His perfect timing.

A Humble Prayer

It is often necessary to simplify things by going back to the beginning.