Alan Kearns

A Harvest Out of Famine

God cast His plan as a fisherman casts a net; they both fish for a specific catch but often catch other fish too.

Believing and Waiting

David expected to be blessed by God’s goodness in his lifetime as well as in eternity.

Walking His Way

David is seeking deliverance from his enemies, as we do too in our daily walk with God.

Abba Father

God protects His own and lifts them beyond the reach of their persecutors.

Go In His Power

Sometimes God will ask us to do things that to us don’t make sense or are downright scary.

Trust and Obey

In life as God’s people we are often challenged by those in authority demanding our obedience.

Rest and Restoration

When it was time to leave I was rejuvenated and ready to recommence my service of the Lord.

An Everlasting Covenant

The rainbow placed in the sky by God is a reminder of this covenant between God and the whole of His Creation.

Seeking Solace

Prayer to our Father can be silent too, from the heart or even through tears – He hears them all.

Fruitful Blessings

We see the love of Father God in His care for His children; even in these early verses of Genesis.

Running to Win

The life of faith is a long-distance race with a real prize at the end for all who complete the race.

Passion of the Printed Word

I was never to return to the levels of fiction reading that I had done previously; my life values had been changed by my brush with death.

Our Strong Tower

The ark in Genesis was a type of strong tower for Noah and his family.

Finding Favor

God chose him as His vessel for mercy on fallen mankind, and the forerunner of the Messiah who would bring mercy at Calvary.

Being Separate

It is being seen as different from others who do not choose to follow the Almighty.

Great Repentance

I was overcome with my Redeemer’s love for me; I wanted to share it with everyone everywhere.

God Provides

God breathed life into Adam “the breath of life” – this is the breath that sustains us each day, the very breath of the Almighty!

In the World…

Jesus short life on earth was a perfect balance of being in the world and being in the care of His Father too.

Obedient Love

Jesus wants more than our feelings – He wants obedience to His Word.

Breathless Beauty

The beauty of our Lord is splendid beyond any definition, singing the sweet holy melodies of Grace beyond our understanding.

We Rest On Thee

Before dying, she commented to her mother that she wished she had done even more for Christ.

Saved By Grace

Frivolous treatment of grace gives Satan reason to grin and rub his hands in glee.

Thankful Prayers

Paul’s prayers were expressions of thankfulness to God for his brethren in Christ.

Instant Obedience

I believe that the first two words moved their spirit and thus they followed.

The Reach of His Grace

Usually, Biblical genealogies are from father to father, but in this one of our Lord’s family has four notable women within it.

Words to Live By

Unlike the map the Word of God is never out of date – it is timeless.

A Life of Praise

Praise of God is a way of life rather than isolated incidents when we are happy.

Our Little In His Hands

It is not unusual to feel inadequate in a moment of trial or where others need our help in some way.

Go Free!

In our Christian life, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ sets us free from the leash of sin, “go free!”

Walking The Line

We all have struggles with diversions from the line set before us by God our Father.

Happiness in the Lord!

Happiness is found in fearing (revering) the Lord; that is respecting His place over us and obeying the Word of God.

The Triumphs of Faith – No.6

Abraham is a prominent figure in the Old Testament, the father of the Hebrews and of all believers by adoption through Christ.

The Servant King – Part 5

The implication that He who did not sin was guilty for our sins is just too much for my feeble mind and heart to bear.

The Servant King – Part 4

In His death on Calvary, He surrendered Himself to our deserved oppression and judgment for sins He could never commit.

Confidence In God

Age isn’t the deciding factor in successful service, but rather that they are chosen and equipped by Almighty God.

The Potter’s Hands

The Potter’s craft is a time-consuming process that is always done in His perfect time.


There is nothing quite like the promise of a friend or loved one to stand with you in difficult times.

To Obey God

I can remember incidents where some have governed church in their way, building little kingdoms for themselves.

A Time to Choose

Christian living in the 21st Century is a high-wire tightrope walk across a raging river.

The King is in Residence

He comes into our lives to reside within our hearts, to guide us each day in the ways of Holiness.


It is possible to kiss someone with holy words of greeting, thus encouraging them in the moment.

Shine for God

The proper motive to influence us is not simply that we may be seen, but it should be that our heavenly Father may be glorified.”

Being Dust Free!

Just as there was no escape from the coal dust, there is no escape from the sin dust of this world.

Running the Good Race

It never fails to amaze me how the Holy Spirit can use the life stories of others to remind us of Biblical truths.

The Watchers

Christ’s enemies always watched Him for an opportunity to bring charges against Him.

Signs of the Seasons

We should all appreciate the changing seasons – the constant evidence of our Creator still working in our lives.

A Physician For the Sick

Those in our communities who are sinking in sin, maybe in real poverty, do need to know a good doctor – the Divine Physician.

More Than Conquerors!

Anyone who dares to shine the light of God’s truth on the darkness is bound to be attacked.