FULLY Covered with His Anointing!
The devil can’t own you when Jesus already does.
The devil can’t own you when Jesus already does.
We step over the line and move from head-knowledge to heart-knowledge, from being born of water in the natural to being born again in the Spirit.
At some point, our faith in the Lord must have a moment of decision when we choose to call upon the Lord and surrender our lives to Him.
Creation will have a clear understanding of the ultimate result of all we try to do without God.
God created us in His image and likeness to have communion with Him, and He invites us to be united with Him.
God is there, waiting for you, beckoning you to come to Him, to know Him, to experience His love and His forgiveness.
I started to examine the way I had been living and found myself on my knees in front of the same God I had turned my back on.
No one is ever too broken, too exhausted, or too much of anything to experience this life as God intended us to live it.
Make the choice to not follow the false directions of this world but follow Jesus.
One no longer has to earn salvation, but just needs to repent of sins and accept what Jesus had done.
If you have come to Him, then commit to staying in Him, beside Him, constantly in His presence.
To follow Jesus means you are willing to say everything belongs to Him.
Our heroes would remind us that the nations and the peoples need Jesus.
Without Christ, there remains a void that can never be filled by worldly means.
The blessings God pours out on your life are for you, but also for you to pour into others.
The greatest news you can be told is that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead to pay for your sins.
A spotless Lamb to redeem back man.
We carry around an ingrained sense of unworthiness, a shame that resulted from the fall.
The language is unmistakably clear, you cannot be saved and refuse to give up anything in your life.
It takes just one moment, and security is yours to hold.
He desires to do it all.
We have made the Gospel a complicated subject to explain followed by a lot of personal hoops.
God is right there waiting for you to return and repent of your sins so that He can heal you and love you once again.
If you don’t want Jesus in the valley, you also won’t want Him on the mountaintop.
And while we cannot pay for salvation, once we have found it, we are willing to give up everything else to possess it.
Out of death, He brought life.
The ugliness of mankind mocks, mutilates, and murders the Altogether Lovely.
The Lord’s offer of love requires a choice because we are entering a marriage.
Lord, we thank you for paying the cost so we could spend eternity with you.
Friend, I know you have loved ones in darkness who don’t know the goodness of God. YET.
His desire is to fill you with a love like you’ve never known, yet has been available this entire time.
Because of Christmas … we can hope for the impossible and we can trust the good, good Father.
So celebrate not only this season but sit daily with Him face-to-face.
I celebrated the birth of Christ twenty-one times before He was born in me.
The Lord wants you with Him.
Frivolous treatment of grace gives Satan reason to grin and rub his hands in glee.
God’s intends for baptism to serve as a sign of unity in the church.
Prior to second birth, the internal reality of a man or woman–even those who are religious–is sadly predictable.
A single drop of Jesus’ blood accomplished what all the sacrifices across all of time could not.
His Holy Spirit “rebirths” us, revitalizes our spirits, and takes up residence in our hearts, the core of our being.
How great the joy of the believer who humbly and gratefully bows when he is recognized for the treasures he has laid up in Heaven.
To accept Jesus involves being where He is for eternity.
My life was distorted and full of compromise before I captured the fullness of life in Christ.
The Lord has made us His temple, His holy priests, and His sacrifices to offer at His altar.
Unbelief should not be allowed in the heart and mind of a believer.
The faith required to follow Christ is spelled c-o-u-r-a-g-e, and the decision to follow Him requires this.
By our actions, we determine the road that we will find ourselves on—paths to goodness and greatness or paths to a chaotic existence.
Yes, we are still sinners, and yes, we will still sin. But when we trust in the Lord, He frees us from the PENALTY of sin.
Jesus said, “Go and make disciples …” Are you doing what He said to do?
God is always there and available to help in any way that a person needs, not just physical needs but mental and spiritual needs.
In His obedience, Jesus lived a sinless life and carried our sins in His body on the cross as a ransom for every person who would believe and receive.
While His cross dealt with our sins, His resurrection spoke directly to the death element filling us and looming over our future.
Seek to shine even in your trials and struggles.
We have an open door into personal relationship with the King of Kings, not just to observe, but to learn Who He really is and His Way.
The true fountain of life springs up in the believer as one sees the light of God in Jesus.
The very Author of the Bible started teaching it to me Himself, and to this day, I’m still learning from Him.
We continually go back to the dead places looking for comfort and peace.
If Jesus is your King, don’t cower to the crowd of accusers.
Blessed are His children.
We can CARE more about building a relationship and less about having all the answers.
Jesus is the Savior sent from the Father above.
He bought us back from our grime-filled life, and we are now forever His.
Salvation of soul is Messiah’s reward for those who respond to His Call.
Every person will, at one time or another, acknowledge the majesty of God.
The birth of Jesus Christ speaks of reconciliation, it speaks of God’s love, and it speaks of a hope that bonds us back together in God’s family.
We have a different ark that will do greater work of rescue.
The most staid, logical person will suffer IQ reduction when emotions get involved.
The first disciples were forerunners for millions who would follow their example.
It started in the garden as sin entered through deceit.
I am the door, the way to God.
Can we really believe someone “gave their life to Jesus” when there is no change in their life or lifestyle thereafter?
I will be a Father to you and yours, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.
As snakes shed their covering to produce new growth, scales fell from his eyes, and he was filled with the Holy Ghost.
We’re called to enter into a faith that’s abstract and yet so very concrete and solid!
Jesus is the Savior and the Lover of our souls!
His death and resurrection was the kiss that covered sin.
The Light of the World has come to give us new life and He sends the Holy Spirit as our guiding light.
Video teaching: Are you on the right path?
Deception started in the Garden and is still at work today. The one who was cunning then still leads mankind astray.
A life of choice to follow our Savior.
Jesus is the Savior sent from the Father above.
The devil can’t change the Master’s plan.
All heaven cheered for the battle was won.
I have been awakened by the power of the Resurrection . . . awakened to live a life devoted to the way of Christ. So yea — I’m woke, won’t you join me?
There will be challenges in this life and there will always be a cost associated with being a true disciple of Christ.
Allow God complete control of your life, then live each day aligned with His Word and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus sacrificed His holiness to be the offering to cleanse our soul.
You’re listening now to what He says; you no longer fear or have to dread.
When I focus on the heart of the matter, salvation is actually pretty simple.
Where is the peace in the midst of the chatter?
God wants each and every one of us to be equipped with the gifts of the Spirit, so we can do all He has planned for us.
Not only can we enjoy His inseparable love, but we will forever bask in His glorious presence!
Eternity’s final destinations hinge on each person’s free will choice—to choose Jesus (and have their names written in the Book of Life) or to choose against Jesus.
Grace removes the cloak of condemnation, guilt, and shame our wayward family members have worn for so many years.
Those who greet these returning ones with the heart of the Father, not the shame and judgment of the older brother, will enter a collaborative Kingdom relationship.
O come let us adore Him sing praises to the King, daily He gives you all of Him, what will to Him you bring?
Enjoy the celebration of My birth; It’s a reminder of all of mankind’s now sacred worth.