God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
Help wanted signs are found hanging in the windows of many businesses. It often seems that managers never have enough help to get the job done and some are frantic about the shortage problem. In the same way, many people are searching for a safe place, strength, and help to make it through the work challenges of life. Sometimes they are able to find some temporary help to make it, but often those helps fall short and stop very quickly or are not even available due to the time.
The psalmist writes that God is their refuge, strength, and very present help in times of trouble.
In every city across America, there are various groups that are supposed to be available twenty-four hours a day to help the community. These are the police, firemen, and emergency personnel. Although they are available around the clock, they are not always immediately present to help. It takes time for one to call them and then for them to arrive.
Believers have One that is a refuge, strength, and ever-present help at all times. God is always there and available to help in any way that a person needs, not just physical needs but mental and spiritual needs.
God was there when the three Hebrew men were thrown into the fiery furnace. God was there when Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den. He was a help when Elijah was fleeing in the wilderness. He was there when the disciples were on a boat during a storm. He was there when the apostles were thrown into prison.
In the same way, God is immediately present in the life of every believer to be the needed refuge, strength and help. This can bring peace and hope to every believer in every situation.
You have probably had times in which you needed some help but had no friends or family around to help. You may have felt alone and weak. Yet, even in those times, there is One who is available to help you. God is with you in every situation, good or bad, to be your strength and present help.
Seek God and put your trust in Him to be what you need in the moment. God will help you go through the fire and not be permanently burned or harmed. He IS your very present help in times of trouble.
Today I pray that you will know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; that you will know God as your refuge; that you will know God as your strength; that you will know God is always there to help you; and that you will know His presence at every moment in your life.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Insights from Tom
Featured Image by Aleksandr Popov on Unsplash
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