Thomas Arn

It Is Finished!

One no longer has to earn salvation, but just needs to repent of sins and accept what Jesus had done.

Talk About Jesus

Believers need to be ready to talk about Jesus from Scripture and from their own lives.

The Right Focus

It is easy for believers to also get caught up in the moment and focus on self rather than God and others.

Times of Refreshing

Do not allow yourself to chase after the things of this world, the sin and death that is claimed to give life.

Remove the Stone

One must be willing to remove the spiritual stone to the entrance of one’s heart allowing God in.

Not Stopping

Instead of stopping, believers are to continue talking about Jesus everywhere they go.

Finish the Work

Each day presents a new opportunity in the ongoing work of God.

Loudly Glorifying God

The moment one realizes what God has done, one should stop and give God all the glory.

Wasting His Gifts

Would God be able to say that you are a good and faithful servant with what He has given you?

Not Being Ready

Each day you have things that strive to draw your attention away from things that are important.

Broken or Crushed?

The idea that Jesus is in control and has all authority is a foreign concept to the world.

Great Faith

Knowing all the details will remove faith from the equation.

Using God’s Word

Believers need to be willing to use God’s word to fight against the ways of this world.

Be Content

Having more, doing more, seeing more, being more continually consumes the hearts and minds of people everywhere.

Do You Not Believe?

The greatest news you can be told is that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead to pay for your sins.

Will You Betray Jesus?

If you have ever been betrayed by a friend or loved one, you know the pain that it can cause.

Are You Divided?

The believer is to be completely sold out to God in heart, soul, mind, and strength.

You Will Be Hated

The stronger one stands upon God’s ways, the more offensive it becomes to the world.

Doing as Commanded

Believers need to fully trust every word and command of God, regardless of how crazy it may appear to be.

Not Taking It To Heart

Every time you read or hear God’s word, you are hearing commands or directions on how to live your life to honor Him.

Giving God The Worst

Instead of giving the best to the world or self, believers are to give their best to God.

Healing is Available

Before running to the doctor to seek healing or relief, begin with putting your trust in God.

Come and Get Rest

Jesus is able to remove those heavy loads and give the believer rest of mind and soul.

Consider Your Ways

Consider your ways and seek the fulfillment and satisfaction that only God can supply.

You Will Not Die

The purpose of correction is to get the believer to leave some sin and to get one’s attention back on Him.

Prepare For War!

The world is out to destroy you and your loved ones in any way possible.

Sound The Alarm!

The world needs to hear about their need for Jesus, repentance of sins, and forgiveness.

God Desires to Forgive

The anger God has against sin is removed when one is willing to repent and believe in Jesus.

Destruction of Idols

God wants to be on the throne of the believer’s heart so that nothing else is worshipped.

A Divided Heart

Believers are told to love the Lord their God with all of their heart, not just a part.

God Spoke, Tell the World

Believers need to hear that roar and not fear, but let the people know what God has said and is about to do.

God Will Redeem

Death and sin will be defeated in the end for everyone who trusts in Jesus for their salvation

God Restores the Backslider

God is right there waiting for you to return and repent of your sins so that He can heal you and love you once again.

Taught to Walk

Believers are taught how to walk away from sin and walk towards God and in the righteousness and holiness of Jesus.

War Is Coming

Believers should not be surprised when there is war or disaster, it is something that has already been prophesied.

Weeping For the Slain

If you are willing to look around you, you will be able to see those who are dying in sin and those who have walked away from God.

The World Will Not Win

Trust God with your life and obey His command to tell the world about Jesus and the world will not prevail in the end.

Depart and Be Clean

The moment you chose to follow Jesus, He called you to depart from the life of sin and filth.

Unwilling To Hear

The world likes to ignore God’s instructions on how to really live a life that is full and restful at the same time.

Be a Flame

Allow His fire to burn in and through you for the whole world to see.

Don’t Speak Quickly

Instead of speaking quickly and with many words, believers are to speak slowly and with just a few words.

Keep Praising God

There is an endless number of reasons to give God praise for what He has done and who He is.

Praise the Lord!

Instead of letting those wonders go, the believer needs to stand in awe of what God has done, is doing, and will do.

Turning the Eyes

Put your eyes on the things of God that will last for eternity and be revived in His perfect ways.

Enduring Truth

Hold on to His truth and do not allow yourself to waiver and follow the world’s false truth.

God is Mightier

No matter how loud or strong the waves of sin in this world appear to be, they are not mightier than God.

Available Help

God is always there and available to help in any way that a person needs, not just physical needs but mental and spiritual needs.

Fountain Of Life

The true fountain of life springs up in the believer as one sees the light of God in Jesus.

False Prosperity

Many believers have been blessed with great prosperity, only to forget about God and their original mission to serve God.

Seek God With Problems

Commit your life to God, troubles and all, knowing that He knows what is best for your life and is in complete control of every situation.