A Prayer to Grow in the Anointing of the Holy Spirit

We also have a responsibility to develop and deploy what has been given to us, so we can grow in it. 

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If you’re a disciple of Jesus Christ, then you have been anointed by the Holy Spirit. We also have a responsibility to develop and deploy what has been given to us, so we can grow in it. In this prayer, we’re asking God to assist us with growing in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. If this short prayer ministers to you, then like, comment and share.


Holy Spirit, thank You for giving me the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  You gave it to me the very moment I connected with Jesus Christ, the truth of God.  Give me diligence and faithfulness in developing and deploying the anointing You’ve placed on me.  Assist me in stewarding, refining and developing the power You’ve given me. Make me a faithful steward. I refuse to bury what You’ve given me in the ground (Matthew 25:18, 25-26).  By Your grace, I will multiply it in the name of Jesus, amen.

1 JOHN 2:20 (NIV):

But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.


We bring the Kingdom of God to earth through prayer, power, and principle.  My new book, “Crazy Kingdom”, explores how to implement the Kingdom of God into every area of our life by implementing Kingdom principles into our lives.  If you haven’t gotten a copy of my new book “Crazy Kingdom,” be sure to purchase a copy today! You can get a copy at Amazon.com or from my website.



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on royalperspectives.com

Featured Image by Sam Rios

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About the Author

Cameron King had a radical encounter with God as a teenager, and has since devoted a large portion of his life to prayer and worship. This desire to be intimate with God birthed a love for the prophetic and healing ministry. For years, Cameron has trained people to hear from God, and he helps activate the supernatural gifts of the Spirit in the lives of believers. His mission is to help serious disciples develop intimacy with God, move in power, and live principle-centered lives. Cameron is the lead pastor of Newsong Church, a thriving congregation that is passionate in worship, active in spiritual gifts, and is on the cutting edge of seeking a spirit-filled outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the East side of Atlanta. He and his wife, Rachel, live in the Monroe area with their four daughters, Abby, Alena, Maddie Grace, and Eliana.

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