Does anyone else feel like Noah in the Bible? You’re building a ship with no rain. It’s raining somewhere else, but not in your yard. These are the moments I ask God to show up. Because in the natural I can’t see which path to take or the next bend in the road. It’s okay to not know the future, but what if the future is only about obedience and nothing else? These are the wrestling questions I ask. So which path do you choose?
God closes doors to open doors.
This is the truth! Especially in our lives over the last three years. God has shut so many doors but has started to open crazy doors that never occurred to me or others close to me. Many people in our camp are questioning our decisions. But guess what? It’s our path. One of my favorite quotes a dear friend shared with me is by Christine Caine. “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. It’s okay. It’s not for them.”
God will use the willing.
This is where obedience comes into play. If you aren’t willing to go and follow, how will God use you where you are? Obedience is closely tied to faith. Faith is not knowing God can, but it’s knowing God will. So in those desperate moments of asking God to show up is where He meets us and says to walk forward in faith. I’ve got you… you just need to hold my hand. You see the thing is God is still good no matter the bad or the hard decisions we are facing. Focusing on a good God who offers us freedom will help us even when we can’t move. We can experience His freedom during the hard times of the faith walk.
God calls us to help each other.
This part has been restored to me in a way which makes me smile. Recently, I started tutoring an Iraqi boy in English and reading. He cracks me up with how grown up he is. He’s had a very hard life, but there’s such a twinkle in his eye he understands there is a better life ahead. One of my favorite parts is that our kids get along so well. They love playing together!
God is with you.
He doesn’t leave or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5-6). Even when the path isn’t clear, He is always there beside us. He wants us to stop striving, find peace, and help others. Standing on the truths He offers such as ‘He will fulfill all His plans for you’ or ‘every good gift is secure’ enables you to know He is with you and for you. The thing is when we partner with God, He is able to do things we can’t even fathom. He takes the indecision and makes the path clear. In making the path clear, He makes our plans succeed.
What path or decision are you facing? We all have things in life which cause us to ponder, take stock, or question. In the wrestling and questioning, we come face-to-face with the creator of the universe and understand His plans are good.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Heather Shore
Featured Image by MoneyforCoffee from Pixabay
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